Stories By Crutton
/ 2 weeks agoCheat code: Fruits vs plants
Deck of Dream Team
/ 7 years agoRyan Burton – Deck of DT 2018
It takes a bit to get Crutt to pen a Fantasy article, but he jumped at the chance to write about...
Deck of Dream Team
/ 8 years agoJarryd Roughead – Deck of DT 2017
Before Crutt woke up to attend the SuperBowl today, he penned this on Roughy.
Deck of Dream Team
/ 8 years agoJordan Lewis – Deck of DT 2017
He's now a Dee, but is he still worth a look in Fantasy in his new colours?
Deck of Dream Team
/ 8 years agoToby Greene – Deck of DT 2017
Man-crush alert... Crutt is back with another love child.
Deck of Dream Team
/ 8 years agoTom Mitchell – Deck of DT 2017
After one of the biggest Fantasy relevant moves off the off-season, Crutt had a new Mitchell to love.
Deck of Dream Team
/ 9 years agoTaylor Duryea – Deck of DT 2016
In Crutt's final Deck of DT, he profiles dog park buddy Doc Duryea.
Deck of Dream Team
/ 9 years agoAdam Treloar – Deck of DT 2016
Getting his way during the trade period, Adam Treloar makes his way tot he Pies... but does he break into their...
Deck of Dream Team
/ 9 years agoJack Gunston – Deck of DT 2016
With a few of our favourite forwards gone, Crutt thinks it's time to get on Jack Gunston.
Deck of Dream Team
/ 9 years agoLiam Shiels – Deck of DT 2016
Crutt deals up a nice left-field card for the Deck with a look at the Jay Cartwright look-a-like, Liam Shiels.
Deck of Dream Team
/ 9 years agoJordan Lewis – Deck of DT 2016
With some epic numbers to start last season, Crutt is all over Jordan Lewis... who has some pig tendencies.
Draft Game
/ 10 years agoHow I won my Draft League
The winner of the 2014 DT Shiva, arguably Australia's most prestigious draft league, has penned an article to give you all...
Deck of Dream Team
/ 11 years ago52 Pick-Up 2014 – Forwards
I don’t know about you, but nailing the forwards in 2014 seems like the hardest position. Dangerfield and Dusty are locks,...
Deck of Dream Team
/ 11 years ago52 Pick-Up 2014 – Rucks
This week Crutt covers the ruckmen who missed out on being in the Deck of DT throughout December and January. With...
Deck of Dream Team
/ 11 years ago52 Pick-Up 2014 – Midfielders B
Crutt is back with 52 Pick Up - The Midfielders 2014 – Part B. He couldn't all of the MIDs he...
AAMI Series
/ 11 years agoHawks v Roos – NAB Challenge (21st February)
9 games down, 9 to go. Tonight we saw the Hawks and the Kangaroos for the second time, and we saw...
Deck of Dream Team
/ 11 years ago52 Pick-Up 2014 – Midfielders A
Crutt is back with 52 Pick Up - The Midfielders 2014 – A (there are too many to cram into one...
AAMI Series
/ 11 years agoHawks v Lions – NAB Challenge (13th February)
While Crutt was dominating the DT Talk Writers Mock Draft, he also kept one eye on the Hawks v Lions game....
Deck of Dream Team
/ 11 years ago52 Pick-Up 2014 – Defenders
Welcome to the 2014 version of 52 Pick Up – the players who, just because they couldn’t be crammed into the...
Club Previews
/ 12 years agoHawthorn Hawks AFL Fantasy Preview
Crutton looks at his Hawks for today's Club Preview. Buddy is the most popular of the boys from Waverley Park but...
AAMI Series
/ 12 years agoHawks v Bulldogs NAB Cup Review
For all those who don’t have Foxtel, or have no interest in sitting through 100 minutes of pretty boring pre-season footy...
Players of Interest
/ 12 years ago52 Pickup – The Hearts
The Hearts. Le pièce de rèsistance! These guys are genuine guns in the position they can be selected in, however are...
AAMI Series
/ 12 years agoGold Coast-Hawthorn-Brisbane NAB Round 1 Review
The Suns, Hawks and Lions were the next set of teams to battle it out in the NAB Cup. Crutton Hutton...
Players of Interest
/ 12 years ago52 Pickup – The Diamonds
Introducing the Diamonds. These are the players that generally fly under the radar, are proven performers, and yet just can’t sneak...