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/ 8 years agoMoneyball’s $5,000 Saturday Slam
It's Saturday Slam day and Bob Murphy's 300th, and Calvin has his hot tips right here, right now.
Lockout Chat
/ 8 years agoRound 5 Lockout Chat
Discuss round 5 as it unfolds in the comments. Proudly brought to you by
The Thursday Scramble
/ 8 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 5
Last week we saw poor scoring, this week we may have to play some of those poor scoring rookies on the...
/ 8 years agoMoneyballin’ – Round 5
It's a long weekend of footy over five big days, including plenty of unknowns with Monday and Tuesday squads unnamed. The...
/ 8 years agoAFL Teams 2017: Round 5
Sunday Extended bench selections are in, as well as some tidbits for the Monday and Tuesday games.
Calvin's Captains
/ 8 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 5
No Zach Merrett. No Patrick Dangerfield. The pirate has gone hard this week. Or has he gone too hard?
Trade Talk
/ 8 years agoRipe for the Picking – A Hyphen a Day
Sparksy's first Ripe for the Picking has a big group of players with some impressive numbers.
Cash Cows
/ 8 years agoJeppa’s Juniors – Round 4
It's a short and sharp Juniors this week. Nothing is missed and all the hard hitting questions are answered by our...
Inside the Numbers
/ 8 years agoInside the Numbers Round 4 Wrap
Pete from goes inside the fantasy numbers after round four.
Trade Talk
/ 8 years agoRoy’s Trade Talk – Rd 5
Roy has a look at a few trade options this week, while opening up the comments section to discuss your options
Weekend Wash-Up
/ 8 years agoThe Weekend Wash-Up – Round 4
Stress, tears, sore knuckles, gutless efforts and an oinking pig. Strap yourselves in, it's time for another weekend wash-up.
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