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NBL Fantasy: Twas the night before lockout

Last minute advice to help you have a cracking NBL Fantasy team thanks to the Basketball Blokes.

We can’t remember an NBL season with so much build up and anticipation! After a week or two of intense research and tinkering with our NBL Fantasy lineups, it is finally here! With all the scrambling in the final hours before lockout, it is easy to forget the basics, and be left with season long regrets – so with one sleep to go here is your final check list to make sure you are ready for #NBLFantasy in #NBL20!

When is lockout?

Thursday 3rd of October at 7.30pm AEDT.

Where do I enter my team?

Whats new?

Gameday NBL Fantasy is back! Whilst you may have been busy putting together your season long fantasy sides you may not have been aware of the secondary competition called the Game Day competition. This season there is a $25 NBL Store voucher for every Game Day of fantasy. There is no salary cap so you don’t have to worry about who you will pick out of Majok, Magnay and Pineau. This also means that it takes about 5 mins to put a whole round of teams together. Whilst picking the premium players is easy enough; the game is won and lost based on captain selection. In the Game Day competition your captain will score triple points and your vice-captain will score double points. For this reason it is advisable to go a little bit unique with both your player and captain selections when playing the Game Day competition.

Where do I enter my game day fantasy teams?

Get yourself in a league

With your season long team make sure you join some leagues for ultimate banter and bragging rights through the season.

If you want to take on other DT Talk fans join the DT Talk open league DF9ZFDUL.

While you’re there, join the biggest league in the competition being the BasketBall Blokes Official league JY2T2DWM

Last minute questions or conundrums?

We are all ears! Feel free to hit us up on twitter – @BBall_Blokes or on facebook – BasketBallBlokes

Team Vanilla

Based on the eleven most owned players currently in the competition, this is your Vanilla NBL Fantasy Team for NBL20!

Best of the cash cows

Make sure you have money makers lining your bench for vital upgrades later in the season. These are some of our favorites:

1. Koutat Noi, SF/PF, (Starting Price: $250,000)

2. Dane Pineau, PF/C, (Starting Price: $319,000) 

3. Jo Lual-Acuil, PF/C, (Starting Price: $250,000)

4. Will Magnay C, (Starting Price: $250,000)

5. Mirko Deric SG, (Starting price: $300,000)

6. Majok Deng PF, (Starting price: $650,000)

Have a listen below as we discussed a heap more cash cows to consider this season.


Popular twitter questions!

Here are some poll results based on the more popular questions we have had coming through this week:


Set your Captain and Vice Captain!

Don’t be caught out! It might sound basic, but make sure you have your captains set prior to lockout for round 1 for them all important double points! Don’t know who to pick?

Catch-up on our captains podcast below:

The schedule is your fantasy bible!

We cannot stress how important this thing is! Plan your starting lineup around the schedule taking into account teams on a double to maximise your points and rankings over the season. Remember, it’s only two trades a week!

Remember, NBL Fantasy isn’t won in week one. It is a marathon, not a sprint – and similarly to most fantasy games, success comes from increasing your team value over the season through cash cows to improve your on court players in order to maximise your point production.

Good luck all, and may your captain double double!

A podcast by 3 basketball lovin' blokes. Talking all things NBL, NBL Fantasy, NBA, Boomers, etc.

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