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Draft Game

DT Talk Writers Elite draft 2015

12 of our writers jumped into a quick fire draft… 180 picks in 70 minutes. See the results.

Tonight a group of our writers got together for our annual draft league. We used AFL Fantasy Elite for this with the structure of 3 defenders, 4 midfielders, 1 ruck and 3 forwards with 4 on the bench. We chose this structure mainly because Calvin’s attention span isn’t very long (it was over in about 70 minutes) and hopefully to promote plenty of use of free agency and in turn, some trades between coaches.

The random draft order saw me, the league commissioner, getting the #1 pick… to which Calvin had to say I rigged it. Wanker.

Have a look at the table below to see how the draft night panned out. With the uncertainty about the Essendon players, Calvin grabbed Michael Hibberd with his third pick (32). Heppell at 37 and Watson at 51 will prove to be bargains if they either get off or miss less than a month of footy.

1Warne DawgsTomRockliffBLMID
4Dunny's DestroyersScottPendleburyCOLLMID
7Dove LoveTobyGreeneGWSMID
9Scissor Me TimbersRobbieGrayPAFWD
10The Running ManSteeleSidebottomCOLLMID
11Ballers XVIIIDayneBeamsBLMID
12Griffs FuryJosh P.KennedySYDMID
13Griffs FuryBrettDeledioRICHFWD
14Ballers XVIIIKadeSimpsonCARLDEF
15The Running ManBrendonGoddardESSFWD
16Scissor Me TimbersBrentHarveyNMFWD
18Dove LoveJarrydRougheadHAWFWD
21Dunny's DestroyersLukeHodgeHAWDEF
24Warne DawgsSam JacobsADERUC
25Warne DawgsMattPriddisWCMID
28Dunny's DestroyersNickRiewoldtSTKFWD
31Dove LoveNatFyfeFREMID
33Scissor Me TimbersBrodieSmithADEDEF
34The Running ManJamesKellyGEEMID
35Ballers XVIIIStefanMartinBLRUC
36Griffs FuryShaneMumfordGWSRUC
37Griffs FuryDysonHeppellESSMID
38Ballers XVIIIAndrewMackieGEEDEF
39The Running ManCallanWardGWSMID
40Scissor Me TimbersRorySloaneADEMID
42Dove LoveDayneZorkoBLFWD
45Dunny's DestroyersJackMacraeWBMID
48Warne DawgsShaunBurgoyneHAWDEF
49Warne DawgsNathanJonesMELMID
52Dunny's DestroyersToddGoldsteinNMRUC
55Dove LoveTrentCotchinRICHMID
57Scissor Me TimbersLeviGreenwoodCOLLMID
58The Running ManPatrickRyderPARUC
59Ballers XVIIIShaunHigginsNMDEF
60Griffs FuryMatthewBoydWBMID
61Griffs FuryJustinWesthoffPAFWD
62Ballers XVIIILukeDahlhausWBFWD
63The Running ManbrandonEllisRICHMID
64Scissor Me TimbersTravisBoakPAMID
66Dove LoveJamieElliottCOLLFWD
69Dunny's DestroyersStephenMotlopGEEFWD
72Warne DawgsTomMitchellSYDFWD
73Warne DawgsCraigBirdSYDFWD
76Dunny's DestroyersAndrewWalkerCARLDEF
79Dove LoveShannonHurnWCDEF
81Scissor Me TimbersMarcusBontempelliWBFWD
82The Running ManPatrickDangerfieldADEMID
83Ballers XVIIIAllenChristensenBLFWD
84Griffs FuryGrantBirchallHAWDEF
85Griffs FuryRyanHarwoodBLDEF
86Ballers XVIIIChadWingardPAFWD
87The Running ManJoshuaKellyGWSFWD
88Scissor Me TimbersPaulDuffieldFREDEF
89CalvinatorSam FisherSTKDEF
90Dove LoveJedAdcockBLDEF
93Dunny's DestroyersBradEbertPAMID
96Warne DawgsBacharHouliRICHDEF
97Warne DawgsAdamCooneyESSFWD
99destROYSam MitchellHAWMID
100Dunny's DestroyersRyanGriffenGWSMID
103Dove LoveWillMinsonWBRUC
105Scissor Me TimbersBradSheppardWCDEF
106The Running ManSam DochertyCARLDEF
107Ballers XVIIIAndrewSwallowNMMID
108Griffs FuryBenMcGlynnSYDMID
109Griffs FuryScottLycettGWSFWD
110Ballers XVIIISam GibsonNMMID
111The Running ManWillHoskin-ElliottGWSMID
112Scissor Me TimbersJackStevenSTKMID
114Dove LoveOllieWinesPAMID
117Dunny's DestroyersJosh J.KennedyWCFWD
120Warne DawgsJarradMcVeighSYDMID
121Warne DawgsRohanBewickBLDEF
124Dunny's DestroyersJarrodHarbrowGCDEF
127Dove LoveMatthewBroadbentPADEF
129Scissor Me TimbersJarrynGearySTKBench
130The Running ManNickVlastuinRICHDEF
131Ballers XVIIIDomTysonMELBMID
132Griffs FuryScottSelwoodWCBench
133Griffs FuryBrendanWhitecrossHAWDEF
134Ballers XVIIITaylorHuntRICHBench
135The Running ManMitchDuncanGEEBench
136Scissor Me TimbersZacSmithGCRUC
138Dove LoveAdamTomlinsonGWSBench
141Dunny's DestroyersDavidSwallowGCBench
144Warne DawgsBrentStantonESSBench
145Warne DawgsJamesFrawleyHAWBench
148Dunny's DestroyersLukeShueyWCBench
151Dove LoveDavidZaharakisESSBench
152CalvinatorSam MayesBLBench
153Scissor Me TimbersJackCrispCOLLBench
154The Running ManRobertWarnockCARLBench
155Ballers XVIIIMatthewLeuenbergerBLBench
156Griffs FuryTomLibertoreWBBench
157Griffs FuryCurtleyHamptonGWSBench
158Ballers XVIIIAndrewGaffWCBench
159The Running ManJoshThomasCOLLBench
160Scissor Me TimbersLeighMontagnaSTKBench
162Dove LoveJackRiewoldtRICHBench
165Dunny's DestroyersMichaelJohnsonFREBench
168Warne DawgsJarradWaiteNMBench
169Warne DawgsChrisJuddCARLBench
172Dunny's DestroyersTaylorWalkerADEBench
175Dove LoveJasonWinderlichESSBench
177Scissor Me TimbersAnthonyMilesRICHBench
178The Running ManElliottYeoWCBench
179Ballers XVIIITomLynchADEBench
180Griffs FuryKurtTippettSYDBench

Below are the teams as drafted by the boys. There might be a bit of shuffling around and adding of free agents but this is how they stand after the draft tonight.

Round one score projections (via draft order):

  • Warne Dawgs – 1,016
  • Rockstars – 899
  • destROY – 980
  • Dunny’s Destroyers – 952
  • FeathertopDTT – 995
  • MJlicious – 916
  • Dove Love – 931
  • Calvinator – 967
  • Scissor Me Tinders – 945
  • The Running Man – 907
  • Ballers – 986
  • Griffs Fury – 1,000

Warne Dawgs – Warnie

Pick 1 got me Rocky. I think he’s going to be the best this year and it was basically a no-brainer for me… I was hoping Roy would grab Dustin Martin with his first selection so I could strike a deal with him, but it might take a bit for me to now part with Rocky. Maybe Rocky for Swan and a half decent defender? That is to fix my friggen mistake of getting Rohan Bewick. WTF?! Yep… that was due to having the two picks back to back and trying to click through between windows. I was too organised. I should have been calm! Oh well, at least it was late in the draft! I’m pretty happy with my squad. I love my MIDs and my boy Jacobs in the RUC. McVeigh made his way in the midfield due to me thinking he will gain DPP at round 6 and I can swing him back. Here’s hoping!


Rockstars – Anthony

With the 2nd pick in hand and knowing Warnie had Rocky locked the second he had pick 1 I found myself in an odd position. Do I pick up GAJ or a high scoring FWD/MID like Dusty or Swan. This wouldn’t normally be a choice at all but knowing GAJ is out in round 1 complicated matters. I stuck with my heart though and went with the always reliable GAJ. My thought pattern after this elite_appsmwas once the top tier MID’s are off the table you can throw a blanket over the rest of them. The quality once the top tier goes in other positions are quite limited though. Especially in my opinion the Defenders this year. So that was my next target. Luke Parker has been ‘my boy’ for a few years so I couldn’t go through without him and Nic Nat was probably earlier than necessary but I wanted to lock in a ruck. This is part of my next issue. As it was 5pm here in WA I was in transit between work and home when I was drafting. Meaning I drafted via the Fantasy App. Honestly FanHub has built a great app for this but my only gripe was that you can’t see who everyone picks. Meaning if there was a run of rucks I wouldn’t know and would miss out. That was my only issue though, the app is incredibly user friendly and solid. (also I didn’t notice the chat box in the top corner till the last round!) Fairly happy with my team. I know a few aren’t playing round one but I made a conscious effort to focus on dpp’s to give me cover for that reason. Looking forward to seeing how this team travels against the other boys this year!


destROY – Roy

I am pretty happy with my team as I think we have a good mix of youth, experience and most importantly swine. In order to get the injection of pig into my team I was forced to use pick 3, but that is a bargain in my eyes. A poorly timed toilet break saw me pick up Lachie Neale ahead of schedule, but he was high on my sneaky radar anyway, so I am happy to have him on the park. My defenders are pretty weak, and I will need Harry Taylor to carry his NAB form into the season proper in order to gain some stability back there. Hopefully Jaeger O’meara is fit in round one because I grabbed him to replace Jobe Watson in the early rounds. My bench includes Ricky Petterd and shane Savage, both of which I was unaware are still on AFL lists.


Dunny’s Destroyers – Dunny

Overall I am happy with my draft.  Pendles at 4 might be a surprise to a few, but he is solid and pretty much set and forget.  I was surprised at how quickly the Defenders and Forwards got very ordinary and I think I got caught out there.  I did pick up Hodge and N Riewoldt with my second and third picks so was happy with them, but after that it got difficult.Jack Macrae, Ryan Griffen and Brad Ebert filled out my Mids which I was happy with, all consistent scorers capable of averaging 100.  My defence worries me a bit with A Walker and Harbrow but I am not unhappy with my forwards of JJK and Motlop, both can have great games.  I grabbed Goldstein in the ruck after a few started to go, I got him in r5 which is earlier than I wanted to get a ruck, but I wanted quality so jumped.  Stashing D Swallow and L Shuey on the bench was a bit of a win, I was surprised they were still there.  Taylor Walker with my last pick after Michael Johnson was a bit of a win too, I think he will lift his scoring as the Crows improve this year.


FeathertopDTT – Nic

The draft went reasonably well. The 60 second timer makes for some panicky moments but I kept with my strategy of taking two midfielders early and I think the rest worked out pretty well. I’m very happy with my midfield. Getting Barlow and Selwood early as reliable, elite midfielders is a big bonus and having Jack, Murphy and Hartlett filling out the rest of the spots is better than I hoped for. My forward line is pretty weak by comparison. LeCras and Bruest aren’t the highest scorers but they’ll probably be consistent. I took Chapman in one of those panicky moments so hopefully he plays the majority of games this year. Pavlich on the bench certainly helps. Malceski and Heath Shaw down back were good picks but I think taking Howe was one of my poorer decisions. Having Everitt on the bench isn’t the best cover either but at least he has dual position status. Overall I’m pretty happy, hopefully the midfielders carry me.



The plan was simple, in round 1. Get the best forward for the season. Mission accomplished in Dusty at 6. Then getting Stevie J, GWS star Treloar and Ziebell in my following 3 selections I’ve set myself up for success. All should be top 10 selections (or mighty close) for their respective lines. I don’t rate many backs high to draft them early so was happy to leave them later and collect the likes of Gibbs, Crouch, Daisy and even deepens my bench with Shiel while others got defenders and scampered for respectable second forwards. Lumumba, Gibson, McKenzie & Murphy might not scream out a threatening backline but they’ll deliver me 70-80 each week which was all I need. Stealing NDS and running just One ruck means I could get a gun back if some DPP fortune goes goes my way. If it does look out!


Dove Love – Crutton

I only have one thing to say…. The grass is always TOBY GREENER!! My boy some how slipped past Warnie, Roy and Dunny and got all the way through to me at pick 7! Steal of the draft without any doubt! I then managed to snag me some Roughead to headline my forward line at pick18, then took Fyfe with pick 31 and Zorko with pick 42. Then came what would be my biggest bargain behind TOBY at pick 7. Trent Cotchin at pick 55! Very happy to see the Richmond captain still sitting there at this stage! I have taken a punt on Adcock up his average on last year to help my backs, and I am hoping Ollie Wines really does break right out this year. Signs are all pointing there, so confidence is high that Toby (My boy) will lead Dove Love to GREENER pastures by seasons end.


Calvinator – Calvin

My plan was simple. Hit the forwards hard early and I did. I was stoked with my selections of Bartel and Buddy. From there I knew I’d have many options in my midfield and I wasn’t disappointed. Redden, Prestia, Mundy and Hannas are all jets who are destined for a massive year. Sandilands in the ruck is pretty average big guy but he will average 85-90 and making him a top 5 ruckman easy. My biggest issue will be… who out of my gun bench players do I switch onto the field. Seriously, It will give me a bloody headache. Basically by the end of the night, I clearly have the best team on paper. I know this because already I have had the other 11 coaches begging me for trades, for player they had missed. Back luck fellas, suffer in ya jocks.


Scissor Me TImbers – Rumballz

Going into the draft, my biggest problem was drafting after that sneaky pirate. I swear, great minds think alike. Having pick 9, I focused on strengthening my forward line, with some (hopefully) stability. Midfielders are a dime a dozen, so I’m happy with my picks there. I’ve taken a punt on Sheppard and Geary taking a big leap this year.


The Running Man – Jimbob

So my strategy going in was to make the Midfielder a priority, as I felt there was value in both the forward and back line that I could pick up later. Am happy with Sidebottom, Ward, Ellis and Dangerfield ( a bargain at pick 83!). Always like to get a DPP ruck for flexibility so took Ryder to also cover the forward line. With my backs and forwards I am relying on the 3rd/4th year breakout rule coming good to be competitive. grabbed a DPP fwd and def to add some flexibility to the team. Happy with my team as a first up go, Recommend drafting on dual monitors as you can keep an eye on the draft while searching for info on the other screen.


Ballers XVIII – Matt

Drafting at number 11 gave me an opportunity to get an early look at the other coaches strategies. It was clear the top forwards wouldn’t last. Thanks to an hour of pre-draft research, it became obvious that there wasn’t much depth in defence, so that was my top priority. I was originally going to pick both Hodge and Simpson with my first double pick (close enough), however Beams was too good to give up. Getting a ruckman who averaged 112 at pick 35 couldn’t have worked out better. Tying him up with Leuenberger on my bench should mean my rucks are set. The rest of my picks were about finding potential, forwards first since they were becoming scarce. Overall I’m stoked with my side, although I have taken a risk on Higgins! Reports are he’s flying. Just a note: I managed to grab Swallow, Gibson, Tyson and Gaff with my last 3 starter picks and a bench slot. 4 blokes who can average 95+, there’s plenty of depth in midfield!


Griffs Fury – Griff

Going into the draft knowing I would have back to back picks made it very easy. Pick the best available in positions where the scores vary the most from premium to mid-range, and then pick for needs. This was going well for me, with Josh Kennedy (Syd), Dyson Heppell, Brett Deledio and Shane Mumford in the first four rounds. Despite defenders disappearing quickly through the mid rounds I ignored them. My thoughts were that the best defenders score 90 at the most, and the average ones score 75, only a 15 point differential at most. Locking in Boyd (who may become defender eligible) and Westhoff ahead of the likes of Heath Shaw and Taylor Adams could pay off through the season. My only side thought; make sure you don’t fall asleep at the wheel. An auto-selection of Tom Liberatore may be okay in round 13 (quickly replaced by Matt Rosa), but it isn’t ideal.


Discuss the draft in the comments. Let us know who were the best and worst coaches on the night with their drafting. What strategy will you be going in with when it comes to your draft day?

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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