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tbetta's Bullets

Tbetta’s Bullets: Round 7 – Twitter Style

Disaster struck today, no not the baby bonus being abolished in the budget so we can’t look getting a new TV when we pop out a nugget, Tbetta’s computer died halfway through the Bullets. He took to Twitter tonight to give us a 140 character style. Here are the tweets!


Disaster struck today, no not the baby bonus being abolished in the recent budget so we can look at getting a new TV when we pop out a nugget, Tbetta’s computer died halfway through the Bullets. He took to Twitter tonight to give us a 140 character style. Here are the tweets.

Be sure to follow @Tbetta9 on Twitter for his awesome insight into AFL Fantasy and a whole lot more!

Massively awesome work to @Tbetta9 for giving us our fix of the weekly bullets.

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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