Wow, life got in the way of me preparing my team on Friday night, but I didn’t deserve that many knocks as punishment. For a coach who is as pedantic as myself, I literally had no time and was severely punished (even more than usual) with my bench options after the rookie error of rolling back my team.
The positive out of this is, I have learned my lesson, but the bad news is, I am banning myself from answering any tweets in the half hour leading up to lockout. After telling multiple people to field Cripps over Newton and then I accidentally field Newton, not to mention McCarthy vs Honeychurch… something has to give, and at the moment, my sanity is the thing most likely to go unless I switch on at game time.
Having said this, my Twitter account @RoyDT still drives trade talk, so let’s do this!
Lumumba (DEF/MID, $381,000) was like me pre lockout, he had an absolute shocker, and if you can trade him out, do it! As Forrest Gump said, he is like a box of chocolates with scores of 42, 70, 103 and 51. As for a replacement, you would need to expect some inconsistency from Whitecross (DEF, $267,000) as well, however there is room to be more lenient given the price difference. Whitey is a favourite of mine, I have had him a few times over the years and he is certainly ripe for the picking at the moment with a break even of just 23 on the back of 84 last week. What impressed me most was his ability to get among the marks with 8 and given the backs are rabble anyway at the moment, at least he gives you some cash to upgrade elsewhere.
Boys I'm a Barlow owner! Had a massive 145 can't even score a ton over the past 2 weeks combined. Keep or Trade? @RoyDT @CalvinDT @WarnieDT
— Joshua Andrews (@JWalts5) April 27, 2015
What the hell to do with Barlow?! That is the million dollar question, or should I say the $562,000 question after Barlow has dropped 65K since the start of the season, and on the back of 55 and 44 causing a break even of 158, it only gets worse for his owners. The thing is, I cannot pinpoint why this is happening, there is no injury, It looks more like form than anything, which has rarely been an issue in the past. Having said this, a slight role change may have affected him more than first feared with him attending only 26% of centre bounces as opposed to 44% last year. The old schooler in me says to hold him as he proved last year he is an elite premium category, but realistically I don’t blame anyone for trading him out while bleeding this cash, especially with that centre bounce news courtesy of the Freako.
My number one guy to bring in for him is the in form Dyson Heppell (MID, $621,000). If you can find a way to bring in a player in the calibre and form of this guy (Jordan Lewis is in the same boat), I think it is justified. Hepp is averaging 119 and has three whopping scores of 111, 129 and 138. He has had the ball on a string this season, but it is his ability to free himself up for marks and also do the grunt work laying tackles that has elevated him to the truly elite. Any new Hepp owners should be in for instant reward with a match-up vs the Saints.
@DTTALK @WarnieDT @RoyDT @CalvinDT lots 2get ready for in about a month. Rocky, gaz, Stevie j,Barlow all going to hit all time low $$
— Ben Sowden (@sowden_ben) April 26, 2015
It is amazing! If you had of dropped these names five weeks ago, and told us how much they will be worth when they bottom out, people would have called you crazy! Every one of those guys are future Fantasy Hall of Famers, the fun thing is going to be working out when to pull the trigger and get them in.
@RoyDT good trades pic.twitter.com/RkFDbsw3W6
— mitchell (@burts45) April 26, 2015
This is very similar to the Barlow issue, where the form of Parker (MID, $523,000) is the main issue. Yes he has been playing forward a little, but his heat map percentages indicate he is predominantly in the midfield, despite playing mixed roles since Buddy knocked his head off and derailed his season. For a player holding a premium position in the mids, returning scores of 86, 61 and 82 is unacceptable. He did have a good second half on the weekend, but if this is a luxury trade, Fyfe (MID, $577,000) is playing at a completely different level to Parks and this is justifiable.
Personally, I will hold and am expecting a ton this week.
I like Krakouer (FWD/MID, $189,000) as a downgrade. Not only does he add some handy DPP flexibility, but over the last two weeks he has looked right at home and seemingly cemented his spot in the team. He has a break even of -15, so he still classes as a significant cash cow and his scoring potential in his role across half back looks ideal.
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Here are yes/no answers to a few Twitter questions
@RoyDT @DTTALK Downgrade Honeychurch to Krakour and go Lumumba to Rischitelli? Only has a Breakeven of 46 #RTT
— Brett (@BrettWAus) April 27, 2015
@RoyDT @DTTALK @RTT Is seedsman a legit player to think about in defense? Easy draw pies have coming up?
— Paul Fruin (@pfruin69) April 27, 2015
@RoyDT I have plenty of $$$ and am upgrading Barlow to Lewis, do you have a better option? #RTT
— Josh Sparks (@Sparksy361) April 27, 2015
@RoyDT @DTTALK Is Bont a must have? Would you trade another premium just to bring him in? #RTT
— Josh Porter (@Porternator) April 27, 2015
Can T.Adams maintain his >99 point average for the year? #RTT https://t.co/eebFMhkWUN
— Matt Talbot (@Talby1234) April 27, 2015
Thoughts on getting in Scott Thompson from the crows? Looks an absolute gem/POD and has killed it. @RoyDT @WarnieDT @Tbetta9 Thoughts?
— Abhishek Behl (@Abba_Behl) April 27, 2015

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