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2014 Prices

West Coast Eagles AFL Fantasy Prices 2014

Cox and NicNat are RUCs only in 2014. Are you considering either of them? See if you can find some value from the boys out west.

Both Dean Cox and Nic Naitanui have lost their RUC/FWD status and are just named up as straight RUCs. New recruit Xavier Ellis ($135,500) will potentially be a very popular selection if he’s in for Round 1. Despite the premium put on him, Dom Sheed ($235,800) still might be an option as he is a good chance to get opportunity at the start of the season.

Click here for the AFL Fantasy Advent Calendar.

ScottSelwoodWest Coast EaglesMID$587500
ChrisMastenWest Coast EaglesMID$533400
DeanCoxWest Coast EaglesRUC$526000
MattPriddisWest Coast EaglesMID$519300
MarkHutchingsWest Coast EaglesMID$480200
LukeShueyWest Coast EaglesMID$479300
Josh J.KennedyWest Coast EaglesFWD$466600
MarkLeCrasWest Coast EaglesFWD$458500
BeauWatersWest Coast EaglesDEF$428400
NicNaitanuiWest Coast EaglesRUC$419800
SamButlerWest Coast EaglesDEF$417700
SharrodWellinghamWest Coast EaglesMID$391900
MattRosaWest Coast EaglesMID$381900
AndrewGaffWest Coast EaglesMID$378700
JackDarlingWest Coast EaglesFWD$374500
ShannonHurnWest Coast EaglesDEF$352300
JoshHillWest Coast EaglesFWD$318400
AshleySmithWest Coast EaglesDEF$317100
BlayneWilsonWest Coast EaglesDEF$315000
ElliotYeoWest Coast EaglesDEF$314600
WillSchofieldWest Coast EaglesDEF$307900
DarrenGlassWest Coast EaglesDEF$305100
JamieCrippsWest Coast EaglesFWD$298100
EricMackenzieWest Coast EaglesDEF$282600
PatrickMcGinnityWest Coast EaglesMID$282500
ScottLycettWest Coast EaglesRUC$278300
BradSheppardWest Coast EaglesMID$274700
AdamCarterWest Coast EaglesDEF$266300
JacobBrennanWest Coast EaglesDEF$258000
CallumSinclairWest Coast EaglesRUC$258000
DomSheedWest Coast EaglesMID$235800
Mitchell J.BrownWest Coast EaglesDEF$212500
MalcolmKarpanyWest Coast EaglesFWD$181600
MurrayNewmanWest Coast EaglesFWD$155600
TomBarrassWest Coast EaglesDEF$149000
JamieBennellWest Coast EaglesMID$135500
XavierEllisWest Coast EaglesMID$135500
DylanMainWest Coast EaglesMID$135500
SimonTunbridgeWest Coast EaglesFWD$135500
BrantColledgeWest Coast EaglesFWD$126700
WillMaginnessWest Coast EaglesMID$115200
JeremyMcGovernWest Coast EaglesFWD$115200
FraserMcInnesWest Coast EaglesFWD$115200
RowenPowellWest Coast EaglesDEF$115200

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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