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2014 Prices

Gold Coast Suns AFL Fantasy Prices 2014

Gary Ablett leads the Gold Coast Suns list for the prices. Nathan Bock could be a popular option if he’s ready for round one at his price.

Obviously Gary Ablett ($621,200) comes in as the most expensive Sun due to his average last year and he’s worth every cent. Look for some value up on the Gold Coast in Nathan Bock ($135,900) who has been heavily discounted and available as a FWD. The number 5 draft pick Kade Kolodashnij ($252,000) is one of the better fantasy players out of the current draft crop, but is the midfielder going to cost us too much to start with him?

Click here for the AFL Fantasy Advent Calendar.

GaryAblettGold Coast SunsMID$621200
DionPrestiaGold Coast SunsMID$523600
JaegerO'MearaGold Coast SunsMID$483400
HarleyBennellGold Coast SunsMID$462900
DannyStanleyGold Coast SunsMID$449600
TrentMckenzieGold Coast SunsDEF$438100
JarrodHarbrowGold Coast SunsDEF$438000
TomNichollsGold Coast SunsRUC$406900
CharlieDixonGold Coast SunsFWD/RUC$386100
MatthewShawGold Coast SunsDEF/MID$383900
MichaelRischitelliGold Coast SunsMID$381400
DavidSwallowGold Coast SunsDEF/MID$377000
BrandonMateraGold Coast SunsFWD$364800
AaronHallGold Coast SunsFWD$357500
GregBroughtonGold Coast SunsDEF$352900
ThomasMurphyGold Coast SunsDEF$325500
LukeRussellGold Coast SunsDEF$324300
ZacSmithGold Coast SunsRUC$322200
Tom J.LynchGold Coast SunsFWD$307600
RoryThompsonGold Coast SunsDEF$295000
DanielGorringeGold Coast SunsRUC$290300
JackMartinGold Coast SUNSMID$268300
SamDayGold Coast SunsDEF/FWD$267500
KadeKolodjashnijGold Coast SUNSDEF$252000
StevenMayGold Coast SunsDEF/FWD$246100
JackHutchinsGold Coast SunsDEF$240100
SebTapeGold Coast SunsDEF$227600
KarmichaelHuntGold Coast SunsMID$224900
JesseLonerganGold Coast SunsMID$224400
TimSumnerGold Coast SunsFWD$219800
JackLeslieGold Coast SUNSRUC$211400
AndrewBostonGold Coast SunsMID$193600
SeanLemmensGold Coast SUNSMID$192400
JoshHallGold Coast SunsFWD$184100
JacksonAllenGold Coast SunsDEF$174100
AlexSextonGold Coast SunsMID$162200
MatthewWarnockGold Coast SunsDEF$148900
JeremyTaylorGold Coast SunsDEF$146100
NathanBockGold Coast SunsFWD$135900
LeighOsborneGold Coast SunsDEF$135500
ClayCameronGold Coast SunsDEF$115200
JarredEllisGold Coast SunsDEF$115200
LouisHerbertGold Coast SunsFWD$115200
HenrySchadeGold Coast SunsDEF$115200

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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