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/ 12 years agoDT Writers League Review – Round 11
Want to know how our writer's are fairing heading into the byes? Or how you'd stack up against them? Read on...
/ 12 years agoDT TALK Live 2013: Rd 11
The first MBR episode of DT TALK LIVE with Roy, Calvin and Warnie is here as we look across the six...
/ 12 years agoLeftys In-Vestments – Round 11 (Or “Carnage Uno” as I like to call the first MBR)
Welcome to Lefty’s In-Vestments for round 11, where once again I will have a crack at picking the dreaded green vests...
Team Sheets
/ 12 years agoAFL Teams: Round 11 (MBR #1)
The teams are in for Round 11. Check them out and discuss them in the comments. Unfortunately we won't know the...
/ 12 years Fantasy Bye Strategy
The bye rounds are here and while each club will have a game off over the next three weeks, Fantasy coaches...
/ 12 years agoConsistency in AFL Dream Team – Rookie Edition
After producing a fantastic read about consistency, Zeus put pen to paper (or is that put his fingers on the keys)...
The Game
/ 12 years agoHindsight is a wonderful thing
Pearcey sent us an email last week giving us a team that would be leading DT overall without using a trade....
tbetta's Bullets
/ 12 years agoTbetta’s Bullets: Round 10
Carnage arrived early with Thursday's Round 10 team selection, making it a difficult week right the get-go. How did you fare?...
Calvin's Captains
/ 12 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 11
The byes are here and this week we attack round 11 looking at a limited group of possible captain options and...
Fantasy Freako
/ 12 years agoFantasy Freako Rave – Round 10
The Fantasy Freako Rave for Round 10 is here thanks to our friends at Champion Data. This is a must have...
/ 12 years agoNixTrader for R11 – we’ve got blue lights
We've been talking about the Byes for weeks, now they're here! Only 2 trades are left for fine tuning for R11....
Cash Cows
/ 12 years agoJeppa’s Juniors – Round 10
The first of the bye rounds is almost here so don’t miss out on Jeppa’s complete rookie review from Round 10....
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