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Collingwood 2021 Fantasy preview – Ep. 394

PODCAST: Calvin runs through his AFL Fantasy Classic and Draft watchlist from the Pies.

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Episode guide

1:25 – How do Taylor Adams‘ numbers look with Adam Treloar out of the side?

4:15 – Calvin has inside word that Will Kelly will be in the best 22.

5:30 – Brodie Grundy is the second most selected ruck and with good reason.

6:40 – Could having Max Lynch as a RUC/FWD swingman be a good option?

8:00 – Jeremy Howe was delivering epic numbers last season before injury.

9:50 – There hasn’t been too many players better than Scott Pendlebury over the years.

11:45 – Roy is still scarred by Jack Crisp.

13:00 – Is Jordan De Goey a no-go?

16:30 – It is suggested that Brayden Sier isn’t a lock for the Pies’ 22.

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Best 22

B: Jack Crisp, Jordan Roughead, Brayden Maynard
Isaac Quaynor, Darcy Moore, Jeremy Howe
Chris Mayne, Scott Pendlebury, Josh Daicos
Tyler Brown, Brody Mihocek, Will Hoskin-Elliott
Jordan De Goey, Mason Cox, Jamie Elliott
Brodie Grundy, Taylor Adams, Steele Sidebottom
Callum Brown, Brayden Sier, John Noble, Levi Greenwood

Emerg: Josh Thomas, Will Kelly, Rupert Wills, Jack Madgen

Fox Sports

B: Brayden Maynard, Jordan Roughead, Jeremy Howe
HB: Jack Crisp, Darcy Moore, Isaac Quaynor
C: Josh Daicos, Scott Pendlebury, Chris Mayne
HF: Callum Brown, Brody Mihocek, Will Hoskin-Elliott
F: Jordan De Goey, Mason Cox, Jamie Elliott
FOLL: Brodie Grundy, Taylor Adams, Steele Sidebottom
I/C: John Noble, Will Kelly, Tyler Brown, Brayden Sier

Collingwood prices and positions

AVG (adj)
Taylor AdamsMID87300091.5114.417
Brodie GrundyRUC86700090.9113.617
Steele SidebottomMID/FWD84100090.9113.69
Scott PendleburyMID80500084.4105.513
Jack CrispDEF72600076.195.117
Brayden MaynardDEF7160007593.817
Jeremy HoweDEF66900085.5106.94
Josh DaicosMID66400069.68716
Jordan De GoeyFWD60500059.974.98
John NobleDEF58500061.376.615
Jamie ElliottMID/FWD54500057.171.416
Chris MayneMID53900056.570.612
Isaac QuaynorDEF50300054.367.99
Darcy MooreDEF49500051.864.816
Will Hoskin-ElliottFWD48600050.963.616
Jack MadgenDEF47000049.261.511
Brody MihocekFWD46600048.86116
Callum L. BrownFWD43800045.957.414
Brayden SierMID40200053.366.63
Josh ThomasFWD39900041.852.312
Levi GreenwoodMID39800047.859.84
Darcy CameronFWD39500044558
Jordan RougheadDEF39500041.451.815
Mason CoxFWD3810003948.89
Tyler BrownMID36300039.2499
Trey RuscoeFWD23900030.538.14
Oliver HenryFWD238000
Finlay MacraeMID/FWD234000
Reef McInnesMID226000
Caleb PoulterMID/FWD212000
Liam McMahonKey FWD210000
Nathan MurphyDEF208000000
Mark KeaneDEF1940002733.81
Beau McCreeryFWD184000
Will KellyFWD17200024301
Max LynchRUC/FWD17200024301
Anton TohillFWD170000000
Jay RantallMID170000000
Trent BiancoDEF/MID170000000
Tom WilsonFWD170000000
Jack GinnivanMID/FWD170000
Isaac ChuggDEF/FWD170000

2020 centre bounce attendances

Big thanks to Brice Mitchell for his work on these.

Do you need a Captain? Then Calvin will help you out. Don't want a Captain? Calvin will tell you anyway. The man who digs deep into stats will help you pick a great captain and give you plenty of Fantasy advice. Follow him on Twitter: @CalvinDT

Recent Comments

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