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Tbetta's Bulletin

Tbetta’s Bulletin – Episode 001

2014 is going to be a massive year for the Bullets – it just got it’s own Podcast! In the first episode Tbetta chats to our rookie expert, Jeppa.


2014 is going to be a massive year for the Bullets – it just got it’s own Podcast!

Over the course of the year, I’ll be reviewing, pondering and previewing all the fantasy happenings in true Bullets fashion – just for your ears instead of your eyes. There’ll be a range of guests over the year, and hopefully we can give you something interesting, informative and fun to listen to for on the way to work or during your workout!

The first episode is embedded below, featuring the Rookie Jedi Master Jeppa himself. Talk a look, give us a rating,comment, subscribe, whatever. But most importantly, let us know what you think in the comments below – I’ll be doing the Bulletin for your benefit over the year, so let me know what you want to see, who you want to hear from, what needs improving, etc.


Click here to download MP3.

Subscribe on iTunes.

I’ve added a  couple of links that compliment the Bulletin below.



I also mentioned a Dayne Beams stat in the pod – slight correction on that, it was actually 110+ rather than 120. Anyway, the point’s the same, and here’s the tweets I mentioned with accurate stats:


Follow @Tbetta9

Alex Trombetta has been with DT Talk since 2011 providing content in various forms. A lover of Classic, Draft and DFS, you can be sure to be getting top-notch advice from the Eagles man.

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