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2014 Prices

St Kilda Saints AFL Fantasy Prices 2014

The best thing about the Saints prices is that Tassie AFL Fantasy gun Eli Templeton comes in at the basement price. Also ruckan Billy Longer will probably end up on a few benches this year.

Billy Longer was picked up in the pre-season to potentially have a crack at the number one ruck spot for the Saints. His price of $194,400 could see him as a popular bench ruck. Midfielder and rookie draftee Eli Templeton averaged 90.8 points at the Under 18 Championships this year.

LeighMontagnaSt KildaMID$606000
NickRiewoldtSt KildaFWD$559000
JackStevenSt KildaMID$532400
DavidArmitageSt KildaMID$473900
LennyHayesSt KildaMID$470400
FarrenRaySt KildaMID$448100
ClintonJonesSt KildaMID$420200
JarrynGearySt KildaDEF$383800
SamGilbertSt KildaDEF$369200
ShaneSavageSt KildaMID$364900
SamFisherSt KildaDEF$361000
DylanRobertonSt KildaDEF$358500
SeanDempsterSt KildaDEF$358300
ThomasCurrenSt KildaMID$324100
JackNewnesSt KildaMID$323100
AdamSchneiderSt KildaFWD$312300
MaverickWellerSt KildaDEF$306700
SebastianRossSt KildaMID$305200
JamesGwiltSt KildaDEF$291400
ThomasLeeSt KildaFWD$282900
TomHickeySt KildaRUC$282700
JoshBruceSt KildaDEF$278400
TrentDennis-LaneSt KildaFWD$276300
TerryMileraSt KildaFWD$269900
BeauMaisterSt KildaFWD$261400
JackBillingsSt KildaFWD/MID$257400
RhysStanleySt KildaDEF$247500
ArrynSipossSt KildaFWD$243000
JimmyWebsterSt KildaDEF$235500
SamuelDunellSt KildaMID$231100
JoshSaundersSt KildaMID$228700
LukeDelaneySt KildaDEF$224800
LukeDunstanSt KildaMID$216800
BlakeAcresSt KildaMID$214100
NathanWrightSt KildaDEF$213300
BrodieMurdochSt KildaFWD$208900
BillyLongerSt KildaRUC$194400
DarrenMinchingtonSt KildaFWD$183300
SpencerWhiteSt KildaFWD$172800
TomSimpkinSt KildaDEF$154800
CameronShentonSt KildaFWD/MID$135500
JasonHolmesSt KildaRUC$115200
DanielMarkworthSt KildaFWD$115200
LewisPierceSt KildaRUC$115200
EliTempletonSt KildaMID$115200

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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