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Round Review

Sunday Rapture: Round 9 Review

So, the world was supposed to end this weekend. Well, Friday and Saturday made our last moments with our Dream Teams look pretty awesome with most teams averaging over 100 points per player… then “Sunday Rapture” took hold. Still, it was a pretty awesome round for most. How did you go?

So, the world was supposed to end this weekend. Well, Friday and Saturday made our last moments with our Dream Teams look pretty awesome with most teams averaging over 100 points per player… then “Sunday Rapture” took hold. Still, it was a pretty awesome round for most. How did you go?

Copy and paste the following and fill it out in the comments!

Team Name:
Round 9 Score:
League Results:
Eliminator Status:
DT Studs:
DT Duds:
On the Chopping Block:

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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