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AFL Fantasy Draft – Feedback 2023

Leave your feedback in the comments to help improve Fantasy Draft.

Hey legends. The annual survey is still a few weeks away, but I thought I would get in a bit earlier so that our DT Talk community can have a say and provide feedback that we’ll pass onto the team at Fantasy HQ.

(As much as it is joked about, we really don’t have much of a say in things … but we can put in our two cents!).

What we’d love to hear in the comments are improvements that you would like to see for the game. With our commenting system, you could have an idea in a comment and people can use the + button to show their support. Feel free to reply to that specific comment to add to the thought.

Consider the experience, especially if you are new after coming over from Ultimate Footy, from pre-season to in-season… and the desktop/app platforms.

As fans of the game – and a bit of skin in it as we love having a part-time job talking about Fantasy – we want the product to be the best that it can be.

It’s important to remember that we are a drop in the ocean compared the rest of the world in Fantasy sport (ie. population, numbers and therefore dollars)… but in saying that, hopefully we can see some improvements to make your league’s experience better in the future.

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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1 year ago

Hey Warnie.. few things that would help draft.
1. Setting keepers pre-draft would be great (we shifted over from Ultimate Footy and this was a real mess unfortunately.. so had to redraft keepers). Think this may be a paid setting only.
2. Restricted Free Agent settings wise, it’s not possible to have a fully unrestricted waiver wire unless you are paying for premium settings.. so whilst our settings say “RFA Off”, its still actually got a RFA wait period of 1 day locked in.
3. TOG thresholds for injuries are also a paid setting only.

As a general rule, 4 bye rounds has really killed engagement too seeing as most draft leagues don’t play during the bye. So 1 month off makes a lot of people lose interest.

Hope this helps mate!

1 year ago
Reply to  bomberpap

I’d love the ability to play byes if the league chooses with reduced roster size. Totally agree our league has lost a lot of engagement the last month.

11 months ago
Reply to  nickboys

We ended up having to do spreadsheets and editing the score, pick your best 3-4-1-3 rather than 5-7-1-5 sort of thing, it worked, but your option is a far better one.

1 year ago

I would really love to see a “dark mode”- was up at 4am and even with the brightness settings at minimum it was still too bright.

Keep up the good work.

1 year ago

One thing UF did well was you could loop just by taking a player off the ground without having to replace them. So you’re actually more restricted and can’t loop if you don’t have red dot to put back on field

1 year ago
Reply to  Nathan

No it didn’t your wrong. You always had to replace them to get the loop. You sure you played UF

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

Yes it did. Allowed in settings and we did it for years

Jeff P
Jeff P
1 year ago
Reply to  KMan

Second this. You didn’t need to have a player on field, with a 0, for the bench player’s Score to count

Andrew Keighran
Andrew Keighran
1 year ago

-player history. If they were traded, picked up, dropped, where they were drafted, if they were kept.
-multiple player trades on app
-not having to play a red dot for streaming and VC/C loopholing
-ability to view other teams without going into fixtures for now, but there are loads for commissioners for customised leagues.

1 year ago

The multiple player part of trades is an absolute no brainer. Why on earth it’s restricted to one player for one player and you have to log into the clunky mobile web page is beyond me

1 year ago
Reply to  Ben

Also whilst I remember:
– Push notifications for trade offers/rejections/completed trades? We’ve had many a deal happen and go without notice due to not everyone having/knowing how to turn on email notifications (which seem hit and miss anyway!)
– There doesn’t seem to be an ability to set a trade deadline?

1 year ago

Oh yes, definitely miss the player ownership history!

1 year ago

Not sure how else to explain this but in examples. My issue/concern with AFL fantasy is that players are all the same – the. Way the score is the same (compared to NFL when positions score in different ways)
Best draft comp I ever played in (private comp) and had postional selections and scoring. You could choose anyone in any position but they can only score according to position
Fwds (only score from goals and points)
Rucks (only score hitouts and marks)
Mids (disposals)
A tackler (only tackles counted)
A utility position- is all of above (so basically like fantasy now – but you only have 1-2 on field each week)
Can add other positions (e.g. defenders, spoils, marks etc pending what accurate stats are recorded)

Really like this format for many reasons :
1. All players are relevant (e.g. key forwards kicking goals)
2. The format means it’s not dominated by one type of player (mids)

Much more interesting game and also engages more trading – cause players and positions are so different

1 year ago

App functionality and reliability is awful. Matchup score inconsistencies between app and desktop versions are ridiculous. At the least we need player age added to app based player profiles, as well as the ability to filter RFAs/FAs by last round score.

Dale Travers
Dale Travers
1 year ago

Utility positions – on field
More Commissioner access
RFA off actually work

Tom young
Tom young
1 year ago

Having the afl games on top of our teams with the price rise and falls on the players Also with there break evens thank you

Stuart McDougall
Stuart McDougall
1 year ago

Would love to make looping scores easier by just taking a player off field rather than having to replace that player with a non-playing player. UF had this feature and made looping a breeze.

Also an auto sort feature in the team page so we can sort by average per position.

1 year ago

The number one thing I’d love (in both formats) is Captains and Vice Captains locked in from the first game (no loopholing) – UF had this option – or at least an option for this in Draft.

I’d also like to see some sort of head to head preview page during the week, showing recent scores of the two teams, history between the teams (over seasons in keeper].

A MVP option (Brownlow style voting from each H2H game for highest points scored).

Player history (if picked up by multiple teams from FA/RFA across the year).

Team history, premiership cup/s next to winners somewhere in keeper leagues.

The option for the commissioner to lock teams from trading or dropping players (ie. Teams who didn’t make finals, or coaches who spit the dummy)

The ability to filter Free Agents by selected/EMG status (gone MIA this year or last).

Bye round options improved (ie. Best 18 or similar options for smaller squads).

Finally, a way for RFA order to be improved. I have ‘last pick to bottom’ but then the player who gets the most wanted player one week doesn’t automatically go to last position when others also make one selection of a less wanted player as that player is viewed as last taken, if that makes sense..

1 year ago
Reply to  Nick

Absolutely nailed it. All I’d add is more bye round options like playing with 15, etc

1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

Cheers. Btw, had that too (second last) ;)

1 year ago

– add the ability to have multiple emergencies in positions. We don’t use loopholes.
– the layout is very confusing with players listed randomly off the field and makes it near impossible to build trade offers without being able to make sense of opponents’ best teams. Put them in positional order like UF.
– don’t grey out the players off the field when they’re playing, their scores are just as important for the league with trades and rivals. I can barely see my players on the bench who I’m also interested in.
– the colour dot system next to players names is very confusing.
– why do projected scores revert to live scores during games? A player will be projected to score 100 but if he’s on 2 it’ll project his score at 2.
– add age to first click player profiles. Lot of league have rules around player ages.
– why can’t I see player averages of my opponents next to player names when looking at fixtures if I’ve bought the insider pass? I need to know their averages to make trade offers. I can’t click into every single player and write down their average. This feature not being there has almost killed trades.
– look at opponent’s team without going into fixture. I need more info to make trade offers.
– I miss the league medal of UF with 3-2-1 voting

Overall the fantasy platform has been a huge step down for keeper leagues from UF, and has been the worst season of our 21-year league. To the point half the league has tuned out, which has never happened. Understanding rival’s teams is really difficult on AF and has all but stopped trades happening in our league as we can’t figure out opponents’ best teams properly. The platform is optimised for fantasy classic but keeper league is a very different beast. We need much more customisation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark

21 years??!! Bravo

1 year ago

On the app, you can’t see the fixture scores league wide when loopholes are used. And when you go into your own game instead of the outer (all your individual league scores) your true score doesn’t show either.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tom

This is so frustrating

Henry Catts
Henry Catts
1 year ago

Utility positions is a must. At the moment to run utilities we have squads of 44 but needing 22 on field (6/5/1/6 +4 utilities). We’ve expanded the onfield slots to (9/9/5/9/18 bench) so you play your 6/5/1/6 then choose where you put your extra 4. The rest of the spots on field are left empty. It’s a lot of admin to ensure there aren’t stuff ups and extra players on field.

It would help this current setup If you could allow players to be moved to an empty bench spot on the app. We currently have to go in via the website to remove players from the field without bringing on another player.

Having utilities expands the type of squads people build so it is a must for variety.

Toby B
Toby B
1 year ago

some good suggestions here! A few ‘must-haves’ Which have really messed with our league this year, or usability of the app/site:
Utility position on field
Emergency from any position. (We never played using empty space to loophole)
Player’s name from ANY page on site/app on UF was link which takes you to their profile. Profile should include age.
Also player profile show previous years scores .
Field View
Clicking on opposite team name, like player names, should link to opposition team. hard to see other teams and trading is a pain.
Also the points are all over the place in the app.

Cheers peeps. Opportunity for successful product if you basically copy UF good points and merge them over.

Jeff P
Jeff P
1 year ago
Reply to  Toby B

Bump for historical player scores per season.

1 year ago

Import/share your own draft pre ranks across multiple leagues please

1 year ago

1. Add Utilities. God if nothing else, add utilities!
2. Add the ability to have top 18 players count during bye rounds (like in classic).
3. Emergency threshold rule should only kick in if emergency player scores more than the player subbed out. UF did this.

James Tudor
James Tudor
1 year ago

Just copy exactly what Ultimate Footy was and everyone will be happy. Transitioning this year has been shit. The game isn’t as fun when you can’t utilise your energencies by removing players from the field. It’s less interactive in this sense.

1 year ago

Need to add:
1) utilities!!
2) option to customise positions
3) option to edit team scores at end of round

Matt McClure
Matt McClure
1 year ago

We would love to have an option to edit positions. Our keeper league runs on one set position Ie no dual positions. And you can retain a player based on previous years position which locks. We have lost that ability and will lose our comp (17 years worth) as I can’t do it manually again like this year after ultimate footy folded.

Also having a utility position (or being able to select players as All/any position) would be huge as our keeper league has the ability to play rookies in any position.

Ability to edit the fixture as we do a custom draw each year which plays some bye rounds but not others.

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Colleen
1 year ago

A dialogue box when making trade offers would be great. Needs option for utilities and more customisation, deeper lists.

1 year ago

Being able to customise player positions is a MUST

Brownlow style player voting (called league medal in ultimate footy)

Customise fixtures. Just basically everything ultimate footy used to be!!!!

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
1 year ago

– maybe don’t make us pay for things we had for free at UF
– make the Android scores match up to the in game totals like the Apple ones do
– change the colors on the players photos who have changed clubs, thats just embarrassing to not have that done by the start of the season
– don’t have an option to see who is on the waivers, make it all hidden.
– have a comments section for the moderator so they can pin things there like prizemoney or weekly winners or league rules.
– as someone else said, just copy UF, that was the bomb.

1 year ago

thanks Warnie.

some things we have discussed as a league:

Ability to choose if you can take player AVERAGE on bye rounds. we take our league offline during bye rounds and allow players averages to be taken. We just track it on google sheets & update the scores post lockout.

The simple rule is the same 23 from the week before the bye are the 23 that “play” during the bye round. We have run this way for years, its great and keeps everyone interested. The only pain is having to track it all manually at the moment.

Friday Night Lock Out (currently options only allow Full, Saturday or Rolling) when teams are announced on a Thursday its a short window before the games starts… we want to do a full lockout but understand that people may not be able update their team in a that small window.

Allow us to update player positions.

UTL position on ground

Edit League Settings can take affect during lock out i.e. if we swap from rolling to full it takes affect during the round even if it’s started.

Edit Team Line Ups During the round i.e. if someone forgets to set their line up during a full lockout, league admin can amend a lineup during the round.

1 year ago

Gotta be able to set keepers for each team before the draft, essential for leagues with pre season trading.

Ability for commish to manually set the RFA order.

The app (Android) doesn’t show emergency/looped scores accurately.

The app doesn’t allow multi player trades.

Player history. If they were traded, picked up, dropped, where they were drafted, if they were kept.

Can’t filter free agents by last round score.

In classic, you can adjust the order of the players on field. Can’t do that in draft.

Option to have utilities.

A league medal/MVP based on top scores in each league matchup.

Assign new commissioners!! Or at the very least, a co commissioner!

Last edited 1 year ago by Woody
1 year ago

Yea I’d just bring UF back. Done

1 year ago

Honestly, just take the features that were in UF, and add them to AF.
And fix the app too. Only being able to make one for one player trades is bonkers. If it’s a keeper league, being able to offer draft picks would be a great feature that not even UF had.

1 year ago

– Commissioner of the league needs to be flexible and more than one available.
– Utility positions need to be added.
– TOG should be a free feature.
– RFA needs to be able to be switched off completely.
– Rolling RFA priority order should be available.
– Player positions should be editable by the commissioner/s for legacy player positions.
– Trade deadline needs to be an available and editable feature.
– Slow draft stop/start times (e.g. stop at 10pm, start at 8am) would be good.
– A mid season draft function and off season trading for keeper teams would be fantastic.

Sean S
Sean S
1 year ago

Category scoring leagues. I know there is talk of it but just want to keep adding my voice to the chorus. Beyond that, remove the audio from the app entirely, simplify the interface give more tools to commisioners when creating a league.

1 year ago

Just get rid of the AFL fantasy platform all together and re-open Ultimate Footy.

1 year ago

– Fix the app! Team scores don’t calculate correctly when emergency/VC loops are used. Ladder is also miscalculating points on app. Web app is somewhat more reliable but not as fast.
– Filters on the player market page aren’t consistent between website and app. How there is not a way to filter based on their status (i.e selected to play, injured) on the website is strange.
– Have the ability to reorder your team in the app.
– Have the player’s game info (i.e. who they are versing and on what day/time) on their line in team/live view, instead of having to look elsewhere to find.
– Be able to see how many players have played in each team. Does this on the full view of the website, but not on the app or mobile web app.
– Have the ability to have the top X scores qualify to your total over byes, similar to Classic.
– Ability to do multiple waivers in one go. If you wanted to do a layered priority of 3 players at the moment, you would need to do 6 waiver transactions manually.
– Also selecting RFA’s/FA’s on the website will randomly just reset itself mid-transaction. Would have to attempt multiple times to finally commit one.
– Waivers were broken over byes, where those rolling off their bye were free agents after lockout when they should’ve been RFA’s.
– Bring back the league cup from UF

1 year ago

Need ability to turn off transactions for leagues that do not allow player moves during the season. RFA on/off still allows for moves.

Big Unk
Big Unk
1 year ago

Mimic all the features UF had.
– Ability to change commissioner
– Pre set keepers before the draft
– Simplify the ‘My Team’ page by showing the data in a more easy to read and consolidated format. Allow moving players around on the screen with drag and drop.
– Show player movement on players profiles I.e a transcript of a players draft position, date they were picked up or delisted and by who.
– Be able to customise the waiver wire.

1 year ago

Use the user experience of UF and apply it to UF. Fantasy is what it is and draft is the spreadsheet look.

Category scoring leagues

Auction leagues



Import UF history

1 year ago

Would love to be able to do 2 trades in one transaction. Too often I want to do a trade that requires 2 trades and (as my trades are league approved) one gets denied so I think it would be a great feature

Taylor Cue
Taylor Cue
1 year ago

Just run it exactly like UF did but with an app.

Michael Peck
Michael Peck
1 year ago

Lots of good feedback already provided, I would just add the ability to change draft pick order for pick trades that have been made for ‘dynasty’ league players, we ran our draft through a spreadsheet and then had everyone autopick their selections by changing their draft orders from there but it was clunky as, changing the pick order up front would stop the double handling (we try to draft late so it would reduce the stress of actually getting it done just before first lockout). Cheers!

1 year ago

Thanks for this.

1. Player movement history (rfa, trade, etc)
2. Setting RFA order weekly or the ability to change it weekly
3. Being able to click on a team and view them in team view
4. Player age added to profile view

1 year ago

– customisable positions, this is crucial for keeper leagues
– player history (when they were traded, waived etc. UF had this).
– clearer instructions for keeper leagues on how the ‘keep’ process works
– more extensive commissioner power, eg ability to amend other teams, manually change players to RFA, etc. UF had all of this and it was great.
– pre drafts across multiple leagues is CRITICAL
– show players played/playing/yet to play in the fixtures and matchup screens. Knowing how many players have played is critical to knowing how a matchup is going

1 year ago

Bring back UF. A lot of the main ones have been covered already, but in all seriousness, why wasn’t there more transparency from FanHub around the transition in the first place? Instead of doing it a couple of weeks out from the season why not tell people earlier on so that they could get a feel for the platform and give them more time for feedback before the change? It smacks of FH not caring about their user experience at all, and just wanting the numbers on their platform playing Classic – which it makes us do automatically and a lot of us have 0 interest in.
That said I would like to see:
A ‘League Medal’ with votes, which was a nice feature. Maybe could take it further and even allow teams to name their own Best & Fairest medal…?
Show player stats history from previous seasons and the player movement in the current season on their profile.
Also give us a ‘consolation’ finals series. Keeps those outside of main finals engaged a bit longer and allows a play-off for the wooden spoon which is much more fun than just whoever finishes last on the ladder after round 20.

10 months ago
Reply to  CJC

I agree with most of the suggestions that have been offered, with the overriding ideal to aim at being make AFLF as much like UF as possible. But my big bugbear that I’ve not seen meantioned elsewhere is the very clunky way AFLF handles the RFA wire. Whenever I chose a player I wanted to put in a bid on I would get a variety of responses. Sometimes, in just a minority of cases, the process would go well, except I could NOT stand that bids were not processed until until after midday of the second day after the round was finished. Really??? But in the majority of cases here’s a range of problems I struck:

  1. After I had chosen the player to acquire and the player to give up the system would simply wipe the information and I would be back to the start of the process. This happened on much more than 50% of cases, but the process always worked perfectly on the second attempt.
  2. The screen listing players on the rfa list usually showed players’ averages in the custom statistics, but very frequently the screen for my players list showed averages in aflf default – not great for making comparisons.
  3. At times either of the above screens had no averages (or other data) at all, but had data that I could not confidently interpret.

Finally, after round 24 had completed it was possible to make rfa transactions (and team-to-team trades, for that matter) but these were not displayed on the transaction listings.
If these problems could be cleared up AFL Fantasy would be a much more enjoyable experience.

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