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AFL Fantasy Draft – Feedback 2023

Leave your feedback in the comments to help improve Fantasy Draft.

Hey legends. The annual survey is still a few weeks away, but I thought I would get in a bit earlier so that our DT Talk community can have a say and provide feedback that we’ll pass onto the team at Fantasy HQ.

(As much as it is joked about, we really don’t have much of a say in things … but we can put in our two cents!).

What we’d love to hear in the comments are improvements that you would like to see for the game. With our commenting system, you could have an idea in a comment and people can use the + button to show their support. Feel free to reply to that specific comment to add to the thought.

Consider the experience, especially if you are new after coming over from Ultimate Footy, from pre-season to in-season… and the desktop/app platforms.

As fans of the game – and a bit of skin in it as we love having a part-time job talking about Fantasy – we want the product to be the best that it can be.

It’s important to remember that we are a drop in the ocean compared the rest of the world in Fantasy sport (ie. population, numbers and therefore dollars)… but in saying that, hopefully we can see some improvements to make your league’s experience better in the future.

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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1 year ago

Wow where do we start. Ok I will start simple but if your only going to send 1 piece of feedback through this it it. I’m a commish of many leagues and a player in many more.

Go and do a direct copy of the old UF site and swap it with AF and boom every problem fixed. But since that’s not going to happen then here we go.

  • All my comments I think should apply to paid leagues. They are all 100% based towards redraft and keeper leagues. If we want these things then the current price we pay is ok to get them. But to pay and not have this control means we honestly waste our money. The draft process was a mess. You couldn’t even trade picks during the draft even in keeper league so the poor commish had to track this later.
  • NUMBER 1 AND MOST IMPORTANT. ADD UTILITY SLOTS AND B/F, B/M, we can from UF and our keeper leagues have been destroyed by losing this. GET IT BACK.
  • during the draft a commish couldn’t add in an extra pick or add a player to a roster. Our league had a toilet bowl winner from the year before that got an extra pick at end of the 1st rd to help them rebuild. Please allow that.
  • after the draft things were locked. You can’t change onfield roster setup or scoring setting. Why the hell not. Overall roster size was too small if it was keep your side and draft rookies then drop later. Please give commish the power in change roster size on and off field and scoring after draft.
  • now we get to using it for the year. Why can you only see the age of a player in the website and the app doesn’t show their age. That’s should be easy fix. we need access to age for trading always.
  • in UF it said not only who a player played this week but also what day and time they played them. It’s a pain having to always have the afl fixture open on a different page to see who plays early to set loopholes and who plays the death game Sunday that’s your backup. Please add game day and time to both app and website beside who they play.
  • In UF during bye rds we didn’t play but scores still applied to the total overall score for the year. This didn’t happen in AF. Please allow this scores to count for overall yearly total. Prizes are paid out on total scores in league and missing a massive score like tex kicking 10 in bye rounds hurts.
  • projected scores should stay projected. Not downgrade once a player takes the field so if it was 100 projected, then why is it down to 2 when the player is on 2 at start of game. Also why do non playing players even have a projected score. They are out or injured clearly their projection should be zero, it just confuses things.
  • we have custom scoring used and the only place that seems to accurate is in match stats on the app. The website has no idea. Often it was different on the app and website so what was true? Worse when we drafted the custom scoring didn’t show up most of the time so we had to guess what impact extra points for a spoil would give a player while drafting. Please we pay for a league, make all scores in that league accurate always.
  • if you have an empty spot on the field you should be able to click on that and it bring up the list of players from your bench you can swap into it just like we do with a player. But no when you click on that empty spot it does nothing.
  • all this above and we haven’t even goto playoffs yet to see what is screwed up there. So I guess more feedback will be needed later as I’m commish controls even in paid leagues will be limited.
  • player history. If it’s a paid league with custom scoring then we should be able to look at preview years like we could in UF and the scores of the player in those previous years be accurate to our custom scoring. Early in the season especially this is valuable when trading and selecting who to start. If they been in the league for 10 years then we should see that no it be accurate to our scoring.

AF you took over the best platform we had for footy and you really need to go back and closely look at what UF did and what made it great. We ran about 1/3 as many leagues this year because of your site being a disaster. Thats 2/3 of our money on paid leagues from us you missed out on. Do you want that money next season?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

Single Mom With 4 Kids Lost Her Job But Was Able To Stay On Top By Banking Continuously DOLLER 1500 Per Week With An Online Work She Found Over The Internet… 

Check The Details HERE…..

Last edited 1 year ago by RosemarieWalters
Single dad with 3 kids and 0 money
Single dad with 3 kids and 0 money
11 months ago

I’ve got 1500 in the bank now, Rosmarie. Should I I downgrade Hewett and increase that cash to get Serong to Clarry? Or should I do a sideways to someone closer in vslue. Help me out here, Walters.

DO's Unicorns
DO's Unicorns
1 year ago

A few things:

  1. Firstly, good job in getting something together to salvage the UF teams before the start of this season. I bet it was a real challenge to get things up and running with 100% functionality. But there is now opportunity to improve greatly.
  2. Allow for commish to set the amount of players who score in bye rounds, like “best 18” in classic. SuperCoach introduced this function this year. It keeps players connected throughout the season, rather than either sit out byes, or cop random scores, as you cant really plan for byes in draft, like in classic.
  3. Allow for better draft pick management. Trading that includes draft picks in keeper leagues improves the experience. Give the commish the tools to manage draft picks i.e. add or change picks as may be the case.
  4. Have the ability to turn off (and back on) free agency. Some leagues play a no free agency policy. This can create issues when people playing multiple leagues inadvertently break this rule. The ability to turn it back on, allows for a mid season draft for leagues so inclined.
  5. Some of the differences between the app and the website could be looked at. e.g. the age of the player doesn’t appear on the app profile. Important when considering trading.
  6. Displaying a players next opponent along with the day and time would be handy. Means we don’t have to refer back to the fixture when determining strategies.

Im looking forward to seeing what 2024 brings!

Joe D
Joe D
1 year ago

1. Catergories

Trades and in league commentary would improve the experience. Player profiles need improvement, keeper/dynasty leagues enjoy at least the age and current seasons stat breakdown.

Jeff P
Jeff P
1 year ago
Reply to  Joe D

Bumping this for the player age

1 year ago

Too many things in one response makes it hard to +1.

AFLF has been so disappointing, hard to think of things to be positive about even though I am trying to.

Many things I miss from UF. Most often really wish I could click on a player and see their on/off list history.

As a commissioner, the draft was a nightmare and really missed our yearly banter during the draft.

1 year ago

Too many responses to read them all, I work…
I note a bunch have said just reproduce UF which is pretty much the answer. Some things I wanted on UF but weren’t available:
The old old UF had field view for your team which was ace. I wanted our players to wear our chosen team jumpers rather than their team. Also wanted to allocate jumper numbers so we could give our favourite keepers single digits etc.

1 year ago

Boy do I miss UF. I have been playing in UF draft leagues for many years now and love it, both in Keeper and DT Shiva leagues.

Never in any of my leagues were we able to utilise an emergency score with an empty spot. A non playing player had to be used for this purpose. We also never used Captains or Vice Captains.

It would also be great to be able to play through the bye rounds. In my keeper league, we have squads of 30. I would like to see the introduction of best 16 scorers used in this league. As for Shiva, with squads of 26, perhaps we can use our top 12/14 players.

Would also like to see the re-introduction of the 3, 2, 1 voting system.

The RFA system has also changed. In UF, once the coach who had pick one made an RFA selection they then moved to the bottom of the list and stayed there unable to move up the list until another coach made a selection. As it is now, the bottom team gets pick one each round.

Jeff P
Jeff P
1 year ago

The format of how you view your team in AFLF could do with how UF had theirs.
I don’t care much for what my player looks like, I want to know what DAY and TIME of the round they’re playing, who their opponent is (I don’t need an image either, just abbreviation like COL, GWS) and if they’ve been selected to play. This makes it easier to plan on who you’re going to loop, name as emergency, etc.
Also in the list view version of the home page I don’t need things like TS% – better used in the detailed stats page. Displaying their AVE, L3, L5 – is good but I’d like to see a history of the previous games as well, like was their average bumped up because they had 100 pt game when their last 4 had scores of ~40.

Lastly, make it easier to navigate to see another team’s list. Currently you have to go to Ladder > then select a team. Can you have a stats/tab page where you can filter by team, so you can view their list and sort by total points, without having to view a team segregated by their onfield positions and their bench. This makes it easier to see which players are performing for yours and your opponent’s lists.

1 year ago

Repeating the sentiments of many in this thread, but as a commissioner of a previous UF keeper league, making the switch to Fantasy generally has resulted in much less control/customisability.

Quite simply if UF’s simple controls could be incorporated with the aesthetic of Fantasy, we would enter a utopia of fantasy football not seen in our lifetime

1 year ago

Make it so the app doesn’t stop your music playing

1 year ago

1. There’s an issue in a draft league, when using TOG % for emergency to replace an on field player. The way AF currently has it setup is that the emergency player replaces the on field player irrespective of who has the higher score. An on field player shouldn’t be replaced by a lower emergency score (and isn’t in any fantasy game I’ve played before…..and there’s lots of them across numerous sports & formats). This just makes for a “double kicking”……..not only does your player get injured and stop scoring, but you also lose points with their replacement from the emergency position.

2. At present you are unable to use the App for trades involving multiple players. Also there is no text box for trades to make comments (keepers leagues usually involve the trading of draft picks as well so it’s very handy to have).

3. There are no utility positions in AF. A majority of the customised leagues I’ve been involved with have used anywhere from 1-3 utility positions in the past. Also there no ability to customise players positions. With keepers there are some that allow players to hold their position from the previous season……unfortunately we can no longer do that which has affected some long running keepers leagues.

11 months ago
Reply to  Todd

In addition to this, huge issues with teams being locked out in Keepers leagues once eliminated……..there needs to be the ability to leave all teams active if the Commish needs.
We have a keepers with pre-finals draft, and because there’s no consolation final all the bottom teams are locked out.

1 year ago

If you could get as close to UF as possible, it would be fantastic. I realise this is just a pipedream so here are the things I’ve noticed the most…. I miss the ability to have multiple emergencies for a position. I also echo previous comments re date/time a player plays. It was so handy in UF & I hope it is incorporated in both Classic & Draft next season. I also miss the player history & easily switching to last 5 scores or last 3 scores, along with complete seasonal scoring. It was great when UF automatically sorted players into their positions on the bench but that was just a luxury, really. I look forward to any improvements next year, whatever they may be. Thanks.

1 year ago

Love ya stuff dt boys.

Had a really hard time moving from UF to AF for our keeper league. firstly we had made some trades in the off season and wasn’t able to add players to teams, the feature to add and drop players for squads wasn’t working, it now seems to be working. Therefore some teams couldn’t add there keepers and I was unable to swap the draft picks that had been traded around, it was like they were locked. We then lost the link to our league so we had to make a brand new one, which worked out better in the end as I could move picks around and we just redrafted our keepers

Was slightly annoying but I got it to work after a while, nothing that was so bad it was unfixable but just did things differently

Personally I would love the ability to change the dates on rfas like I could on UF. We have a long term injury list and I used to leave Rfas and infinite time but now they just sit as free agents and a few less committed coaches have grabbed them causing angst among coaches

The ability to add a player to a squad even if it exceeds the squad limit, the ability to do a multi trade, not just 1for1, we have trades for players and picks

With UF, yes I paid for the features but I had full control and customisation to our league which I loved, with the current format I feel like I paid for nothing really, almost all the features didn’t work at first, they have no come good but no one said anything to me

I would love to be able to force add a restricted agent to a squad but I have to either wait till a FA or turn Rfa off add them then turn rfa back on

Work in progress but if can be as customised as possible, keen to see what happens! Good thing is that Uf is right there to copy
Thanks guys

1 year ago
  1. Introduce category league (thank you for keeping UF website open, we have a 10yr old league which was able to continue, it is truly appreciated)
  2. Ability to enter draft platform earlier. It is very stressful having pick 1 being on the clock, whilst everyone is trying to enter the draft page. You should be able to sit there prior to the draft time starting.
  3. More options for bench, eg allow multiple emergencies, eg 2 for defenders, with ability to choose priority eg EM1.
  4. Commissioner to be able to update RFA rankings – we play keeper, RFA 1 should not go to last years winner (ie final pick in the draft order)
  5. Make it easier to see trades/player movement. The summary shows trades/movement from different leagues.
  6. Add Utility Position
  7. Add details clearly on main page (like UF) showing opponent and time/date playing. I don’t want to have to click each player to view this
1 year ago

1. There needs to be a way to change commissioner without starting a new league
2. Ability to change the fixture year on year so there isn’t the same double ups
3. Ability to hold a draft lottery
4. ability to trade draft picks

1 year ago
Reply to  Nuff

I may need to hand over commissionership
and I want it to be easy.

Joe T
Joe T
1 year ago

All of the points mentioned are useful features however even just basic app fixing is what’s required. We also paid to have custom scoring yet when we wanted to add in some more rules or change certain scoring values, it was asking us to pay again (which is silly if we’ve already paid for it once e.g. we wanted to change FA scoring to -1 instead of +1 but it wouldn’t let us).

Below are all problems I’m having on the android app:

1. Ladder is always incorrect
2. Final scores of players and your total team are a few points off (have to go into the individual player profile to see what their actual score was)
3. Player averages are incorrect on the Monday for players that played on the Sunday (and then it fixes itself on Tuesday)
4. Filtering and sorting options for player pool are very limited
5. Fixture for actual AFL games in that round isn’t shown in the correct order sometimes (and adding the time plus venue would also be great)
6. When you’re in the player pool under a certain sorting and then click on their profile to read more and then go back to the player pool, the sorting resets itself to default

There’s others that I can’t remember now too but all of these issues would be easy fixes with some debugging and testing. Thanks for collating everyone’s feedback

1 year ago

I still cannot see when trading closes this year. On UF it was in settings and added to the banner about this time each year as an alert to trade by …

1 year ago

Ability to trade pre-draft (or at least commissioner to edit teams before the draft)

Ability to change commissioner

Option to change keeper cut off date (currently locked in at 72 hours before the draft)

Trades not locked to player for player (i.e. 2 for 1 trades etc)

Player/league history (when drafted, traded, dropped etc)

Ability to view teams from previous seasons (particularly view teams from last season before the app launch)

Option to filter FA/RFA combined

Pick trading in app

22 guns
22 guns
1 year ago

need to be able see history of league coaches to decide if they are dinkum or just ghost teams very frustrating

1 year ago

Category scoring would be the only way to avoid a complete reset for my league, so that’s where my vote goes.

1 year ago

Just bring back UF.. As a commish, UF was so so so much more user friendly
, a quick straw poll of our legacy league, we’d happily pay $15-20 per team.

1 year ago

Is “thebench” still a vaild fantasy footy provider?

cannot access it at work, but looking at on my phone the player lists look up-to-date, but the facebook site hasn’t been updated in a few years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Travo

I got in touch with the guys at The Bench, apparently the people that were running it have moved on, but a bunch of long time players have taken it over this year. Its still running, and they are looking at improving it next year. Log in and shoot them a message to get on their mailing list, if you are interested for 2024. In terms of draft leagues cant be worse than AFL Fantasy. No offense to guys at DT-Talk not your fault.

1 year ago

1. Commissioner needs much more control over the league, especially in paid leagues (I.e make changes to lists at any stage, lock teams from making changes, etc.)

2. Option to limit the amount of adds each team can make, as well as the ability to change individual teams adds throughout the year (to allow trading of adds)

3. Ability to make a custom fixture

4. Utility position (both on field and emergency)

5. Ability to view other teams lists and option to trade with them on that page (rather than having to view their past matchup to see their team)

6. History! I want to see the history of our league, all rounds results, previous champions, etc.

7. Ability to change the draft order

8. Better trade functions, I want to be able to look at their list and select multiple players from their list and my list to send a trade, also an option to add picks to the trade via simply a chat box along with the trade.

9. Ability to change the RFA order, especially at the start of the season.

10. Ability to customize finals system

11. Ability to change player positions, keeper leagues require a lot of planning to build a team and position changes from year to year can drastically change a teams dynamic so our league likes to nominate up to 3 players to keep their DPP status the following year.

12. I want a field view option to look at my team, such as the classic version has it.

13. Add age to player profiles

Last edited 1 year ago by Billy
1 year ago

The ability for a commissioner to lock/unlock players (or an LTI position option), make roster adjustments regardless of whether they a RFA or not. Trading of draft picks.

1 year ago

The biggest thing missing is the utility spot, or the choice to have 1.
The players in the emerg spot, dont show up separately. You have too look for them. An issue for leagues with large lists. Fantasy auto makes the player you dropped the emerg.. but you dropped because they are injured..

The app and the website do things differently, and have different options.
An emerg player who is going to count towards the score, doesnt auto count in the app, but does on the website.

The app you can filter players by the team owner that has them, but the website you cant.
The website you can filter by the score the player got in the last round, but the app you cant.

The scores that players had in previous years, is mixed up with scores from this year. Especially where a player hadnt played many games in 2023, or none yet.
Not sure how this can get so screwed up.

The team to team chat/banter is per league, not per round/game.
It just became 1 big mess, so our league doesn’t use it anymore.
We have team banter away from the website.

1 year ago

Need to have an option to set a customisable ‘Best XX’ with whatever number the league agrees on for the bye period like classic mode (e.g. best 12 for a 5-7-1-5-4 league) so the league can still play byes, as not playing the bye rounds in draft meant the league lay dorminant for a whole month which really killed a lot of the momentum of the league.

1 year ago

Draft needs to be plain and simple. I never really cared about fantasy until my friend invited me into a draft league last year. I think the advantages of draft should be: Low maintenance, easy to understand, and balanced matchmaking. For advanced Fantasy coaches, customisation options are great, but draft should be primarily focused on getting new footy fans down the fantasy rabbit hole! It would be good in there was a traders podcast on the site that explained how draft works, and who the best options are each year on the site to get new fans excited and informed.

1 year ago

Automatic E placed on players at lockout if a coach hasn’t selected them. The emergency system is so messy compared to how well UF executed it visually.

11 months ago

Is it too much to ask for AFL fantasy or another site to allow a all year salary cap for keeper/dynasty leagues? So jealous of NFL fantasy options like the ability to place rookies on a Taxi Squad for 4 years, draft auctions, Multi-year contracts/extensions, automated annual salary increases, future draft pick trading and the list goes on. Having to do all of this on excel while NFL gets it all is so hard. Im getting old haha.

Zim Zun
11 months ago

Categories are an absolute must.

11 months ago

As someone who is still on the UF platform as we are in a Cat league what we would love to see in the new AF pretty much copy what we have in UF, the customisation for paid leagues.

All the cat leagues that still exist on UF all had to pay fees to use the platform this year (ontop of those that already pay to customise the league) so we’ve shown we’re happy to put our money where our mouths are, so hopefully AF creators take that on board and port all the current features over to AF

Haydyn Kennedy
Haydyn Kennedy
11 months ago

As others have touched on we really aren’t asking for AF to reinvent the wheel, just give us the user friendly platform and customisable options that UF used to offer us and I’ll be happy.

Utilities a must

I paid money to make my league customisable, why? I’m not sure. There is very little that I can easily customise with the click of a button.

Commissioner should be able to add/drop players from any squad regardless of free agent status.

UF was simple but effective, as a commissioner sadly a lot of the fun has been lost this year.

11 months ago

Just a quick one that has rankled our league after years of UF. Not enough granularity with the FA settings. Blokes who haven’t made finals aren’t allowed to use the waiver whilst finals is going on. There doesn’t appear to be a setting, it’s just mandated by the platform.

11 months ago

You really need to be able to trade and track draft picks and have overall more flexibility in the draft process.
Can’t complete multi-player trades via the app, only 1:1, why?
On the app I can sort draft league free agents by last round score, on season, last 3 or last 5. On the desktop I can’t filter them by selected to play.
“Player profile” opening a new window/tab to show mostly the same information displayed in the pop up box.
No player news at all? Could at least have the injury reports linked so we don’t constantly have to check other pages for those updates on our specific players.
No indication as to whether a player was injured or subbed to reflect TOG%.

11 months ago

We have a keeper league that is in its 9th year. (1st 8 years were on ultimate footy). We carry positions forward for keepers to the next year (free agents go to current year positions) so to be able to move to AFL fantasy we have to have customisable player positions available. We moved to The Bench this year to keep our league going as we could change the player positions.

Other items which would be nice to haves on AFL fantasy for our league:
– ability to change draft order after the draft has started (we do live pick trading during the pre season draft)
– Custom draft order (we trade players and picks before the draft)
– custom list size (a team in our league was granted 3 extra players for 3 years as they took on a team that had been run down by the previous coach.
– Top 6 finals system
– ability to adjust fixture so each team plays each other twice



11 months ago

app is a buggy mess. Would love the utility position added

11 months ago

I was thinking of creating/joining draft leagues for the AFLW but I already have issues with the classic version of Fantasy and its layout and design. So clunky and amateur compared to other forms of fantasy. So until major change it will remain just a thought.
It seems from most of the comments here, the design and layout of the AFL fantasy sites is the major issue. That therefore is an issue with the designers of the AFL associated websites. Telstra!

11 months ago

Unfortunately the experience moving from UF to AF has been an exercise in frustration. So many bugs I’m sure I’ve had to erase a lot of them from memory so I don’t smash the computer.

However here are some points to consider, to improve the site – and please, please improve it. Our keeper league has now been running for 11 years and this year by far has been the least fun with the least engagement.

  • Show player history (drafted, delisted etc)
  • Add option of utilities positions
  • Fix up RFA – many occasions players have been taken that should have still been locked.
  • Update of player and team scores during live games is glacial slow. Means there is no point bothering to look at the scores in AF during a game. It catches up about a 1/2 hour after the game is completed.
  • Ability to customize finals – we want to play a top 4 over 3 rounds (meaning top 2 get a double chance).
  • Ability to lock squads at start of Round. At the moment there has been multiple instances in our league where an non-playing player has been taken during the round and put on field to take advantage of a emergency score – ridiculous!
  • Have a coaches box where different threads can be created and banter can exist. We used to have game preview threads and other topics that really promoted engagement from all the coaches. The current chat feature with its limited character allowance is useless.
  • Have head to head banter ability in team matchup pages.
11 months ago

and fantasy doesn’t let anyone sign FA’s after being eliminated from finals.
But people who are involved in pointless consolation finals, can still sign FA’s.
This season has been woeful without UF>

10 months ago

it should continue into the actual afl finals series, 15 count for first week, 10 for week 2 and 3 and 5 count for grand final

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