Anyone want an AFL Fantasy Team Reveal? Well, here it is. My second draft of a team before the intraclub’s, unofficial and official practice games get underway, I put together my team and I go through each player and why I have picked them in my current side. I also talk about a couple of players that are in the mix for me as well, with still plenty, or alot, of changes to be made before the start of the season.
Don’t forget to tune in to the AFL Fantasy Fanatics Twitter Spaces at 4:30 PM AWST (7:30 PM AEDT) each Sunday night, including our most recent one where we had The Goat Selby (Moreira’s Magic) and his right hand man, former AFL player and media personality Xavier Ellis joining us to discuss how to approach the next few weeks with intra-clubs and practice games getting underway.
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DTTALK for all things AFL Fantasy (and more). Got something to say about the Deck of DT series or AFL Fantasy in general? Join the conversation and use the hashtag… #AFLFantasy.

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