While we are waiting for AFL Fantasy Classic to open in January, our friend Chad at www.dtlive.com.au has got the 2020 version of his popular team picker, the Drawing Board, opened for coaches to start building their teams.
Chad has crunched the numbers and got a version up with what looks like accurate prices based on the information at hand.
- $13,000,000 salary cap is projected.
- Players are priced based on their output last season. eg. 2019 average x magic number (approx 7418 for 2020).
- Players who missed a full season receive a discount of 30% on their 2018 average.
- Players who have missed two or more seasons received a discount of 35% on their last available average.
- Players playing less than 10 games receive a 3% discount on each game under 10. eg. Play 5 games in 2019, then they receive a 15% discount. This is applied to the higher of their season average from the last two years.
Head to www.dtlive.com.au and under AFL, click on Drawing Board to start picking your squad of 30 players now. You will need a free account to get started. The easy to use and mobile friendly site has plenty of information including what average a player is priced at, their bye round, early opponents and an ownership percentage for registered teams on DT Live. Also, don’t forget to put in your projected average for your own user as well as compiling a site-wide projected average.
Copy and paste your team into the comments below simply from DT Live.
Click here to start picking your AFL Fantasy Classic team for 2019 over at Chad’s dtlive.com.au

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