Some emergency first aid for those struggling with pre-bye carnage.
Firstly read this article posted 5 weeks ago.
Pay attention to the bit where it warns that you wouldn’t be able to do much to fix your structure when the byes hit because you would need your trades to cope with other player problems.
Download the file Nix Bye Planner v2 2015
Read the instructions and put your team in so you know where your problems are and what trades you need to make.
Who to trade in?
Defenders – 25 highest ranked
You will find the three columns on the right helpful.
- Bye – allows you to easily find the best ranked players for the bye round you want.
- Mn-SD. This is a reliability measure. If you paid attention in maths classes it refers to their mean score minus 1 standard deviation. If you slept through stats it means 4 out of every 5 games are above this score.
- $UpRank. This compares the likely price movements for all players (it’s more sophisticated than just BE). 100% is player most likely to have a big price increase, 1% is player most likely to have big price fall.
Gold hey!
But wait there’s more .. the same tables for other positions.
Mids (standalone mids – if you want DPPs look at the other tables)
Plus Free Steak Knives
So which teams have the best run during the bye round …
Well that’s it. Any questions or comments, post below or hit me up on @NixTrader. Follow me if you want random bits of Fantasy info that I tweet from time to time.

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