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DT TALK Live 2013: Rd 22 (Preliminary Finals)

Roy, Warnie and Calvin look at the teams and all the news ahead of Round 22 and the preliminary finals. Make sure you enter the WorkwearHub competition to win a pair of Buddy boots.

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Please share this with your friends! Thanks to our loyal viewers! We love doing what we do and we hope we can help you with your team… and enjoy playing DT. Be sure to give us all a follow on Twitter and give us a like on Facebook… and even subscribe on YouTube.


buddybootOur very good friends at Workwearhub and Mack Boots have given us a pair of the new Buddy Tough Safety Boots valued at $150.

All you have to do to win is jump on Twitter and give @WorkwearHub, @MacBoots and @DTTALK a follow and send all three a tweet with you answer to the following question and the hashtag of #MYDTBUDDY:

Which of your Dream Team players would be your Buddy and why?

Get creative with your answer… let us know who you’d be happy to spend your Saturday arvo with at the pub talking DT. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank for their support this year! They are champions and if you’re looking for any work wear, then they should be your first port of call!

Entries close on Monday 26th August at 6pm AEST and the winner will be selected by the DT TALK and Workwear Hub team and then announced on the next DT TALK Live show… next Thursday at 7pm AEST.



Kicking off from 1pm on Saturday 24th August 2013 at the Richmond Club Hotel, 100 Swan Street, Richmond. Come and talk some AFL Fantasy and have a few pints with us! Roy, Calvin, Warnie, Tbetta, Anthony and Dunny are all making the trip this year! Live music provided by Hairybeard!


Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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