Another massive week of DT (after a shocker last weekend)… Roy, Calvin and Warnie talk you through the big weekend ahead with a few laughs over a few beers.
Part 1: http://youtu.be/iuoXRLku0KA
Part 2: http://youtu.be/NTNUeXmizJ4
Congratulations to Tom as the winner of the Workwear Hub Caterpillar Insulated Twill Jacket in last week’s DT Headline Twitter competition. The winning tweet is below. Tune into DT Talk Live next week for the next WorkwearHub.com.au competition.
@workwearhub @dttalk Essendon blood test results are in – no traces of Hep D #DTHEADLINE
— Tom Fitzgerald (@FitzCity) May 3, 2013
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