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Round Review

Semi Finals: Round Review

Half of the teams in our Dream Team Leagues are now in Mad Monday (or even pre-season 2011) mode. If you played this week, then it’s game over… no league premiership for you. How did you end up this week? What score did you finish on… and more importantly, are you still heading towards a premiership?

Half of the teams in our Dream Team Leagues are now in Mad Monday (or even pre-season 2011) mode. If you played this week, then it’s game over… no league premiership for you.

How did you end up this week? What score did you finish on… and more importantly, are you still heading towards a premiership?

Team Name:
Round 20 Score:
League Results:
DT Studs:
DT Duds:
On the Chopping Block:

Golden Stubby - Round 9

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Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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