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Round Review

Absolutely DAW-some: Round 7 Review

Has your team gone DAW-some this week or has it been more Zac Dawson? While there is still one game left in the round, a lot of teams of DT Talk readers (including ours) have finished. Let us know you you got on OR how you’re going if you still have anyone left.


Has your team been DAW-some this week or has it been more Zac Dawson? While there is still one game left in the round, a lot of teams of DT Talk readers (including ours) have finished. Let us know you you got on OR how you’re going if you still have anyone left.

Copy and paste the following in the comments and fill it in.

Team Name:
Round 7 Score:
League Results:
DT Studs:
DT Duds:
On the Chopping Block:
Round 7 trades:

Stay tuned to DT TALK this week for all of the great AFL Dream Team advice you could ever need!

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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