How exciting it is to have AFL Dream Team open again for 2011!
Firstly, it is looking very pretty and the navigation is so much easier. I am a massive fan of the league stuff at the top of the page. Having the ability to join 5 leagues now is a massive bonus! I am looking forward to taking on all of my Facebook friends with the Facebook League.
The best thing about DT in 2011 is the subscription module where we are able to see HEAPS of bonus stats! Everything you need for your research is there… breakevens, price and score projections, previous scores against opponent, at venues, etc. We also have access to Dream Team PRO – the draft style game.
If you read carefully, when you sign up, you will see you have access though until January 31, 2012… and from mid-December, we will have access to the 2012 prices and planner. This will be awesome for the preseason! No guessing about prices and positions – this will be official!
Subscribe now for $19.95 and get all of these bonus features!

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