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It’s time to go… Patrick Dangerfield

He is one of the most selected players in AFL Dream Team – owned by over 80,000 coaches… and is “expected to miss a month of football”. To me, that means to trade, trade, trade!

He is one of the most selected players in AFL Dream Team – owned by over 80,000 coaches… and is “expected to miss a month of football“. To me, that means to trade, trade, trade!

We can think “what could have been” with Dangermouse. 76 and 94 in the first two rounds… but then Neil Craig killed any Dream Team hope he had. Also, he is loose as a goose and if you saw how he ran into the goal post last weekend, you will understand he is an accident waiting to happen.

Most rookie Dream Team coaches will look at who’s around his price. The sad thing is, anyone who bought him was expecting him to rise in value to help upgrade him to a premium. Unfortunately this hasn’t been the case. He has actually lost $3,300 over the first 5 games.

To be honest, you have two choices; trade up or trade down. So, this means… look for a rookie priced player to get a nice $100K+ cash injection, or look to upgrade him to a premium, or a sub-premium player who will end up being a keeper! That is very important here – this trade should be purely money making, or to trade in someone who will play out the season for you.

Rather than give you a list of players to trade in for him – because everyone is in a different situation with cash and trades left, look at Chook’s Rooks for downgrade options and if it’s a falling premium – look no further than Alan Didak (if you’ve got the cash)! There are a fair few other awesome options around the place – discuss them in the comments.

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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