The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 18
Two weeks to finals and there isn't a lot of trade activitiy on Virtual Sports this week as we all tread...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 18
Arrgggg ha ha ha... the Pirate is back. Gone are days where I’d be hanging out on the roof cause now...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoJeppa’s Draftees – Rd 17
Suspensions, rested players and injuries are well and truly taking their tole on a lot of DT coaches out there. After...
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 17
As we run out of trades we also have less scrambling that we can do. However, there are still decisions to...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 17
Last week, I did the old switch-a-roo and turned my back on the great Dane Swan and went with Boydy. Not...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoJeppa’s Draftees – Rd 16
We'd like to welcome Jeppa on board to fill the shoes of Chook for the rest of 2012. There are still...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 16 (UPDATED)
UPDATED - BIG changes in my top 5 this week due to several big name taggers not making the cut. A...
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 16
Once again we have been dealt a few rubbish cards this week. More stars out of the game this week with...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 16
Here we go again… Another round is upon us and we all need a DT captain. Last week my predictions weren’t...
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 15
I could have sworn that the MBR's were over?? So we are without a couple of our premos, and another one...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 15
Boom or Bust? This is the big question I will throw at you for this week. We have some ripping options...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoChook’s Rooks – Round 14
Chook reveals his undying love for Survivor host Jeff Probst and, just for something different, eventually gets around to discussing rookies,...
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 14
Bye Madness is over, now it is sit tight and hope like hell that your Premo's don't step on a crack...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 14
With all the stars back on your radarrrrr... who will you be looking at as your captain for this round? It's...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoChook’s Rooks – Round 13
In Old School DT Week, I want to reminisce about the good old days when you could buy rookies for half...
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 13 (MBR3)
Last one of these damn MBR's and we still get a bit of troube at the selection table. Not so much...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 13
I'm off the roof and ready to roll for this final bye round. With Ablett sitting out this week, many have...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoChook’s Rooks – Round 12
We've got a new record rookie score for 2012, with Dayne Zorko blowing Horsley, Greene and Treloar out of the water....
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble Round 12 (MBR 2)
It is the second of 3 and it is shaping up to be just as bad as last week. Not only...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoMid-Season Rookie Research
With the back end of the season coming up and rookie pickings looking a bit slim, I thought I’d do a...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 12
Righteo captain hunters. This week have a Loop de Loop Hole... and I've explained it in full within the greatest article...
Cash Cows
/ 13 years agoChook’s Rooks – Round 11
The bulk of our best rookies are back from their round-11 bye, with the GWS boys and Dayne Zorko ready to...
The Thursday Scramble
/ 13 years agoThe Friday Scramble: Round 11 (MBR 1)
It's here... the first of the MBR's. They will kill our scores and annoy us profusely, but there isn't anything we...
Calvin's Captains
/ 13 years agoCalvin’s Captains – Rd. 11
ARRRGGGG! Am I a mad Irish pirate this week and I have crunched the numbers and punched the keys extra hard...