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Future of AFL Fantasy – Coaches’ Corner – Ep. 704

Warnie sat down with Matt Jeffries from Telstra to chat some exciting developments.

Matt Jeffries is the AFL Fantasy product manager. There are some exciting things on the horizon for the game we love and MJ has some things to share to take us fans along for the ride!

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Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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7 months ago

that was proper interesting! totally assumed it was just corporate likes going thru the motions, mostly interested in ways to dumb things down and make more money somehow. thanks Warnie

7 months ago

For many of us, this season will be the last.

This season, opponents traded in players do not appear until the traded out player plays, so if a player is traded in and plays Friday, they and their scores wont appear until Sunday when the traded out player plays.

Its never been this way until this season and support wont do anything about it, so a group of about 3000 will quit wt the end of the season.

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