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The Thursday Scramble

The Thursday Scramble: Round 9

The Fantasy Gods struck in round 8, time to Scramble!

As we clear the first third of the season, we drove straight into a s#!t storm!!  What a week, could you believe what we saw last weekend, some massive scores but as the Fantasy Gods giveth, they also taketh away!  Injuries, Vestings, some kick to kick and just general rubbishness! Time to Scramble!!

Decisions to Make!

As I’ve been telling you for the last few weeks, it is always better to keep your upgrade cadence moving forwards rather than sideswapping premiums or midpricers. The reason that I tell you to do that is exactly for weeks like this one. There will be a lot of teams that won’t be able to improve their teams by as much thanks to the injuries that they have copped from round 8. There will always be weeks like this one where we have to take a little pause and address the problems at hand. Now does that mean we won’t be able to improve our teams? Hell no, of course we can still make some improvements but we need to be smart about our trading.

The consensus opinion this week was that we all got out of Elliot Yeo more than we thought we would. And I tend to agree. With the injury history of that bloke we can’t be surprised that he finally fell apart on us. But his scoring til now has been fantastic and he has made us plenty of cash. Similarly a bloke that was on m never again list (until his price this year was just too tempting) has been Zac Williams, he has been threatening to fall apart a few times so far but now we finally know he is going to miss this week. So for me he is another one to cash the chips in and get someone else.

But…..  do we cash them in over a rookie that is going to likely lose money this week?  I am generally one to say cash in the player that is going to lose money over one that is injured and their price won’t change. However, when the guys we are talking about are worth this much we just can’t leave that sort of cash on the bench. So I would say trade out the blokes that are going to miss weeks in the order of the number of weeks they are likely to miss.  If we were talking about a rookie with an injury, then I say hold and deal with other issues first, but this is a different ball game.

While we are talking about decisions, I think we have to talk about Nat Fyfe. Now should we have been surprised that he had a vesting last week, probably not, indeed we should have seen it coming. We know he has had body issues in the last few seasons, we saw that he is holding up well with his performance in round 7. But… with the Dockers having a soft match up against Richmond last weekend (sorry Tigers fans, but your team isn’t going well) we should have realised that the Dockers didn’t need Fyfe in the guts to get the W. So early on when form of other teams started to show itself, they would have pencilled this one in for Fyfe to have a vest-rest. My personal opinion is that unless he is carrying something we don’t know about, he should now be vest free until his bye. That might just be the time we wave good by to Nat as he has done his job.

Oh, and don’t think I forgot about Connor Rozee and his troublesome hammy. I think Port will be very cautious, they play Geelong away this week then the Hawks at home which is a game they should win (I certainly hope they do). So I am fully expecting them to take no risks whatsoever with Rozee and I think he is likely to miss two. And in AF, that means trade.

But how does that help me?

Well the fact that we have higher priced guys in Rozee, Yeo and Williams injured this week (and assuming you have at least one of them) means that rather than trying to go up and down from a low base rookie, you have a fully priced guy who is no doubt worth more than most rookies to use as your base making it easier to get to a top player and it should leave you some cash left over for that second trade or indeed to hold to help with next week’s upgrade. Be strategic with this bounty of cash. make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck by going one of the top priced premiums who is in form if you can. But also keep an eye on those byes. It is only 3 more full rounds til the byes are upon us.

Fixture Alert

With Mother’s Day on Sunday there are two games on Friday night and the do overlap! So before you get stuck into the beers/wines/whatever else you drink, make sure you have checked all four of the teams players on the Friday night games.

Things to Remember

  • When a premium goes down like Green don’t panic too much, rest in the knowledge that heaps of teams have him.
  • Captain’s don’t always pay off, sometimes taking that 110 VC might be the smart play.
  • Be the Nerd and start planning for those byes, they aren’t far away!

There we have it folks, a few thoughts on the week from hell. I haven’t said much about those that had huge scores, but really, those guys aren’t the ones we have anything to worry about. Again, apologies if I haven’t answered your comments to this article in the last couple of weeks. Work is crazy for me at this time of year and I don’t always get a chance to log in and have a look so thanks to all of you for reading and also helping each out in the comments.  Catch you all next week!

A passionate Port Adelaide Fan who simply loves footy! That is how I would describe myself. Catch my weekly article "The Thursday Scramble" with all the last minute things to think about for the weekend Follow: @pkd73.

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10 months ago

Who should i Captain
Gawn, Naicos, Walsh, Sheez, Serong or flanders?

10 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm

i put VC on walsh and C on flanders

10 months ago
Reply to  Lochy

Easy match up for Flanders but playing in Darwin you never know what you’re gonna get

10 months ago
Reply to  Lochy

How do i do the captain loophole i’ve always heard of it but i’ve never done it

10 months ago
Reply to  Malcolm

Do you have a red dot, if so put him on field with the C, make your new bench player the E if your happy with the Vs score, so your V plays first and gets double points as your C didn’t play, if unhappy with the Vs score leave the C on a likely Captain and carry on.

10 months ago
Reply to  Briby

If i like the VC score i leave the red dot rookie on field as C then E my good player therefore the C won’t carry onto the emergency sub when the rookie DNP meaning the VC stays Doubled?

10 months ago

So J Sweet isn’t playing I’ve heard. PA brought 2 Rucks to there side in I Soldo and J Sweet. J Sweet was a makeshift Ruckman at the Bulldogs so why would Sweet be a main Ruckman at Port. Finlayson is coming in for Sweet. So many Coach’s Traded Sweet into there sides last week because of the advice given to them by the Traders. Now this week will have to Trade him out. I wasn’t silly enough to listen to the 3 guys. I’ve learnt from the past these guys are n
ot experts. If you want advice listen to the real experts, either on Game day Radio’s or ex AFL Players themselves. Experts LOL

10 months ago
Reply to  Xlr8rs

All I’ve heard so far is Sweet is crook but if he’s better by game day he plays and will do for a few more weeks yet until Soldo has recovered from injury.

10 months ago
Reply to  Xlr8rs

Sweet would of been brought in as a back up and from that stand point has done well. Not sure the Traders promote being experts, just three blokes giving advice, either follow like sheep or form your own opinion with lots of different advice. Certainly don’t think they would have recommended bringing him in if they knew he was going to be sick. Don’t know why they didn’t see that coming.
For the record i have Sweet, sitting at R3.

10 months ago
Reply to  Briby

I wouldn’t even bother replying to that person, they obviously need help, because finding a reason to hate the traders is all have going for them in life.

10 months ago

VC Gawn and going very different, C on Dale hoping he does what Ryan did last week to Richmond.

10 months ago
Reply to  John

Very bold, good luck.

Jason Else
Jason Else
10 months ago

Not sure on who to trade in for
Possibly thinking 1 downgrade 1 upgrade or bring Soligo and Clarry in, any help would be appreciated
Have 100k currently in bank

10 months ago
Reply to  Jason Else

Yeo first out with that groin, I think Clarry is really starting to look the goods.

Jack Pigeon
Jack Pigeon
10 months ago

Trade or Keep Tom Green??

Jason Else
Jason Else
10 months ago
Reply to  Jack Pigeon

Green is expected to play, I would keep him

10 months ago

Tom Green has a late out written all over it. Still hold though, but don’t expect him to play.

10 months ago
Reply to  fmdt

Who covers him? Graham/Harcia/Rogers, think Graham.

10 months ago
Reply to  Briby

Pray I’m wrong and Green plays, but I think Graham too against the roos.

Western wonders
Western wonders
10 months ago

Who is most important out, yeo, Robert’s, Caldwell, Macrae, Harley, clohesy, Powell. I got 129k in the bank

10 months ago

Of course the one who is a non – player. Yeo out for possible couple of weeks due to groin injury would be priority. Hopefully Caldwell calf is good to go haven’t heard any reports to say he is not. Macrae is safe due to Libba out again.

Western wonders
Western wonders
10 months ago

Who to go to, and should I trade non playing bench rookies instead

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