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Haha, Bonner the only player without a touch, including both At Kilda subs. Now even the cash gen is cooked.
Did me absolutely dirty.
What a weird game from bonner. He scored 0 and 3 in 1st and 3rd. But 37 and 21 in 2nd and 4th lol.
I ended up passing on Bonner. So I’m happy I decided against..but geez weird game and bad for owners.
Did Ollie Wines run over Roy’s dog or something? There’s a strange sort of hatred there.
Guy scored 10 under price 4th highest CBAs, and people jumping off him like he has the plague and is dropping 50k.
I’ve decided to keep wines. Give him another chance. So hopefully he fires
You and me pal!
Mid-Price Madness strikes again, can’t wait to see D’Ambrosio and Billings stink it up too.
Well at least Bonner cost half the price of N. Daicos.
He wore the green vest in his mind that first quarter, didn’t he, old mate Riley.
Really puts it in perspective how bad Daicos played, Bonner gave him a quarter head s
had Bonner in for most of the week but pulled him for Sharp (against Roos) last minute for the extra $$
I put the VC on Steele instead of daicos. It’s a handy captain score. But I got Serong in. It’s the Roos at marvel. I’m thinking roll with Serong. Do you’s agree
Greed is gold
I’d take the 120 no questions asked.
Yer tough one. I think Serong will go to town on them. If Steele didn’t go missing for 40 minutes
He scored 41 in 1st. 45 in the 4th. But he only scored 4 points from midway 2nd to time on into the 3rd. He put up 61 from time on to finish. If he puts a full 4 qtr game in. He could be super scary
Wines 100% tons up after copping this hate. Last week was a nothing game at home to Weagles, in hot conditions. At the G v Tges, nice and cool, he’ll be bulk cbas and dominating.
Horne Francis out. Hello Ollie wines. He will get his CBAs this week.
Nah, watch Travis Boak turn back the clock and Dan Houston score 150 with 80% CBA, lol
Haha…Who knows lol
Normally Wine is kept in the cellar…
Those of us that held him though will be enjoying the show from the penthouse, letting the sweet juice drip onto the plebs below us!
Wines for us, vinegar for them!
Right on bro. Love the confidence.
Be interesting to see what Mannagh produces tonight with a potential full crack at it.
Forget about the subs, probably would have started Mannagh instead of Reid.
I saw Mannagh not sub..so decided to roll the dice. Free shot with only 18 top scores. So far. So good
Haha so far so good, at the end was garbage. Didn’t bother picking him up as I new he would pack himself
totally agree, very poor pick fielding mannagh
I knew he would start well but end up on 45 pts, averaging 34 ;)
Haha yer why I said so far so good lol. Was waiting for it
Crows midfield look good fantasy wise, but I don’t think the trio of Dawson, Laird and Crouch can co-exist at the same time anymore. They need leg speed in there, someone has to make way.
Perhaps Berry will get the axe, meaning Crouch demoted to the bench and someone else in the starting trio. Interesting weeks ahead.