Join Warnie for a quick hit of AFL Fantasy news out of Geelong v Essendon from GMHBA and Port Adelaide v Fremantle from Alberton in the AAMI Community Series on Friday 1 March 2024.
- Nic Martin‘s role off half-back.
- The premium midfielders for Essendon in Darcy Parish and Zach Merrett.
- Can Elijah Tsatas be an option?
- Max Holmes‘ half-back role.
- Jhye Clark and Zach Reid the rookies of note.
- Is there any worry with the injured Zak Butters?
- What happened with Freo’s scoring?
Be sure to grab this podcast wherever you listen to podasts. Warnie will be providing daily updates the morning after each AAMI Community Series game and there will be some special stuff to come throughout the year.
Click here to listen on Spotify.
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You said two shit clubs In Freo and port in your podcast. You can say much being a bomber supporter washed out dog!
Bahahaha. Ok.
Yeah when was the last time Essendon were relevant or your team as a AFL fantasy expert as they say. Freo and port are so much better than bombers and just like my team will slaughter yours this year. Maybe stick to actually relevant things instead of putting people’s clubs down cause you had a few to many and tired very kids friendly your last podcast hey
Sorry you were offended by that! It was very tongue in cheek. For years we have said “Fantasy even makes Port Adelaide v Fremantle worth watching”. If you enjoyed that game, good onya. It was a long , hard watch that match and I think a lot will agree. Off the cuff comments like that – beers, tiredness or not – aren’t things worth getting your knickers in a twist over.
Pissy bugger, aren’t you?
He’s literally blocked 5 of the 8 mates that I went the last time he came to Adelaide, over the smallest little thing, its absurd. You can have your opinion, that’s fine, but his attitude is not one that is in line with success. He knows its not going well and things are going down hill, yet he’s still probably pointing fingers instead of looking at himself. It’s true and it’s just a matter of time.
He’ll be out of a job in a few years anyways. Fantasy clicks and numbers been tanking for them this year, and it’s largely because of Warnie and the fact he blocks every single person who has a slight disagreement with him about things exactly like this. He’s a big cry baby, and that’s not the attitude to have in this industry if you want to be successful
Here he is! Matt Freeman who was slaughtered on Twitter a couple of years ago. Your trolling sucked, you got blocked and had a cry.
FYI – numbers are up 37% on last year … bring on a massive 2024! Our 18th season, still going strong and keeping people happy. Just not you, it seems.
Haha don’t worry warnie 100% freo fans there biggest cry baby’s in comp
Look how much of a loser you are man. This is why you’re content and following is going so down hill. I bet you are so happy with your 8 likes and 8 followers for those likes, because I know putting people down and getting that good feedback from that gets you going. You’re a weird human man. Never seen anyone in any sort of successful content creation, and we both know that’s just a matter of time. Sort yourself out bud. This could have been so much bigger if you weren’t such a sensitive little soul. You keep thinking those likes mean a thing buddy, we both know where this rocket is going, you’ve lost more than you’ve gained, from die-hards the past 3 years. Nothing wrong with the other blokes, they can handle shit from all the boys, yet for some reason, warnie just whips out the block button. Do you like the large majority disliking you warnie? Does it get to you?
Go on, come up with some stupid, sly comeback to make your pathetic self and personality feel bigger. Nothing you say can do a thing to me, because on a human level you are so far below me. You are so far off the path of what it means to be a reasonable and decent human being. Absolute muppet.
Finally someone who’s aware enough to see the truth!
Absolute bollocks on the numbers. You’re other payable content onpatreon isn’t nearly as successful as you’re making it seen, and I know that for a fact. The numbers on here, comment wise and click wise are also down a lot from 2-3 years prior. So stop making up numbers, there are ways to find this stuff out, so do not lie about numbers bud.
If you are going to work for a enterprise so large, I would have thought you would have had your head wrapped around what can and can’t legally be done on an anonymous posting sight. I was wrong.
I don’t need a sly comeback, you’ve shown exactly what sort of ‘human’you are by these comments.
Have a good season, Matt. I’m not going to lose any sleep on the how you think of me, how I go about my business or how far wrong you are on our numbers (especially Patreon!).
I’m on teamWarnie. Matt seems to have more triggers than an NRA meeting.
…and yet, here you are.
Because I enjoy the content and the fun 2 of the 3 of them have. Warnie tries every now and then, but its so forced, you can see the poor human being he is come out at points through every episode. I also watch nba even though I only like 1 of the 2 teams playing, you absolute muppet.
I’d prefer to listen to Warnie rather than some whining, vitriolic little ……..
Little truth teller? Because everyone not with their head up a certain little readheads backside knows everything I’m saying is nothing but the truth. Which is why none any of you little minions of his could even say the slightest thing that I could care about. Clearly can’t see a bad person when it hits you in the face.
So now that we’ve all had our vent/cry/whinge, lets get back to what we’re all here for.
I use this forum for tips on making my team better, not wasting my time reading this garbage.
Any thoughts on the below?
Fyfe Vs Tsatas Vs Both Vs Neither? (Especially now Adams out 4 weeks and Flanders has dropped in my confidence level a bit, has always had Rd 3 early bye but get to see Rd 1.) Fyfe HB happy (suspect 50s and 60s on the cards) and Tsatas role and JS not clear but it’s hard to find better options at similar prices. Alternatives Billings and Larkey priced a bit higher. Larkey a key forward and perhaps should not normally go there but NM may feed him better this year, he closed 2023 on fire, has JS security, has a high ceiling, and paucity of other good forward options.
No doubt Martin role but Hawks have named Finn in forward line today! -? preparing for the quarterbacks like Martin round 1? Mitchell highly smart tactician and Martin role well-advertised. Martin Vs Merrett tag Vs Finn not selected. Given Hawks have a few injuries & illness Finn good chance to play I think. Maybe Martin owners just prepare to take the possible hit Rd 1 if Finn named?
I wasn’t keen in tstatas until I saw his play. He’s in defence/wing essendon seem to play 15m kicks to get out of defence and with ridley out for 4 weeks. I am starting with tsatas. Especially now Adams out for 4 weeks aswel.
I like Tsatas a lot. I’m not sure I would like to go there (mouths to feed, etc) but the way he finished the game was impressive. Fyfe was good on the eye test for role…
Finn is going to cause some havoc! We’ll chat about that during the live stream tonight.
Thoughts on Holmes?
I think Holmes could be a good pick and has been in and out of my team at M6. Currently he is out.
I have 2 concerns — Geelong players seldom score highly or close to 100 with the exception of maybe Stewart and Duncan -Holmes does not seem to tackle much if at all.
If he starts tackling in his half back type role, I think his scores will go big – I wait to see this.
JHF over Wines?
100k cheaper, a better player and way more upside in his 3rd season
Am I crazy for thinking this?
You’ve been in the sun all day, haven’t you George.
Sneaky POD, baffles me how anyone would consider wines over JHF
Make it make sense
Totally agree with you George, I’ve always never paid attention to Jungle cupcake since using this site. His theories and knowledge of afl fantasy are very limited like a red headed foster child
Do you know what i like about your Trev?
Good Luck
Great call of the Tasmanian game …………
Whilst Finn did not do much he was 83% time on ground which was the equal sixth highest of any Hawk player……………. Why would you do this if not starting in the round 1 team?
Smoke and mirrors by Mitchell & Finn does not play Rd 1
just making sure Rd 1 best 22 gets full game time and see how they position play with Finn in the team? Then Rd 1 give Finn a specific role?