It’s finals time for Fantasy coaches and the bullets keep coming with Scott Pendlebury’s broken leg throwing a big spanner in the works. We’ll help you win the first week of the finals with some trade advice that is guaranteed to be better than some put out there last week… we hope! Let’s go!
Episode guide
1:15 – Warnie top scored for the round.
5:30 – Zach Merrett leads Roy’s rabble of a team to get his -3.
9:00 – Calvin has a new philosophy when picking his captain.
10:15 – Scott Pendlebury will miss the rest of the season.
13:00 – After being in doubt last week, Josh Kelly and Sean Darcy produced good scores.
15:50 – Rowan Marshall is the only value pick recommended for Pendles.
18:00 – The most popular traded in player this week is Lachie Whitfield.
23:45 – Are Tarryn Thomas or Jaidyn Stephenson options?
27:30 – Questions from social media – follow @AFLFantasy on Twitter and like the Official AFL Fantasy facebook page.
30:15 – The moment Roy officially checks out.
36:30 -Should Fantasy Classic have a TOG% option where a bench player can cover someone who is injured early in the game?
42:00 – Who do you bring in out of Patrick Dangerfield or Brodie Grundy?
48:40 – Is Sean Darcy a hold or a trade based on his ongoing knee issues?
51:30 – Who goes first out of Dan Houston and Nick Hind?
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