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Calvin's Captains

Calvin’s Captains – Rd. 9

With all our stars returning this week, scores will be better and there will be less pressure when selecting your captain. Calvin is here with the tips for this week including information on the loophole.


With all our stars returning this week, scores will be better and there will be less pressure when selecting your captain. Click here to read full captains article on

Either way it’s still going to be a tricky week with some of our stars being targetted with tags. So make sure you check out the full artcile written on the AFL web site! It’s a cracker. (HERE)


This week we do have a LOOP HOLE option due to the partial lock-out in Thursday night’s game.

Simply place your VC on someone in the game and if you like their score, you can put your ‘C’ on a non-playing player before lockout on Friday night. This will mean that the VC replaces your C and doubles the score.

Make sure this player in starting on your field and make sure you have an emergency selected to replace this zero as well if you can.

If you DON’T like the score then go ahead and select a captain as you normal would.

Players who are in the BYE for this week can be selected as a non-playing player. They will score zero making them the perfect option to carry the ‘C’ if you do end up liking the VC score. This is true for all forms of Fantasy football from RDT, SC and AF.

NOTE: The original term ‘Loop Hole’ was created by DT Talk many years ago and now copied by many. Just another way we are shaping the future of Fantasy :)


Personally, If my VC scores 120pts, I keep it. Points in the bank are worth an extra 20 I believe. You can’t predict injuries so remember, it’s a free hit. Let us know your thoughts with the poll below.

AFL Fantasy: Trade or Hold Zorko?

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Do you need a Captain? Then Calvin will help you out. Don't want a Captain? Calvin will tell you anyway. The man who digs deep into stats will help you pick a great captain and give you plenty of Fantasy advice. Follow him on Twitter: @CalvinDT

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