Happy Easter everyone! Hope you are having a great Good Friday so far (yes I know it has only just started). More importantly I hope you have had a great score from Thursday nights game. Did you loophole anyone? Anyway, what’s done is done and we now have to deal with the rest of the round! One of the most annoying things about this round is that we won’t know the final teams for Hawks v Geelong until Saturday night.
Community Service Announcement
Just remember that if you are making trades in Supercoach and Real Dreamteam today or tomorrow before the lockout on Saturday Avo that your trades will be NON REVERSIBLE. So once you make a trade it will stick. I must say I am unsure of the situation in AFL Fantasy, I believe they are reversible but I would be very careful. Personally I wouldn’t trade until you know exactly what you want to do.
Loopholin along…
Did you use a loophole on Thursday Night? Let’s have a look at what you may be thinking of doing.
- Trent Cotchin – Scored 138. Lock it in Eddie! This is the Cotchin we were all expecting to see this year. Hopefully you can swing a non player on the field and collect.
- Lewis Taylor – Had a 38. If you had the E on him as a Loophole, I would can that experiment and then hopefully your other players will do better.
- Dustin Martin – 94 points is not enough for a captain. Hopefully you have someone else that can fill the void for you.
- Tom Rockliff – 116 is an awkward VC Loophole score. I usually like to see at least 120 before I will take it. I’m going to leave this one to your levels of risk you are prepared to take as well as what other options you have left.
Trade Table
There are plenty of things that need to be dealt with in regards to trading this week. Let’s have a look at your options for each of the key outs that we have.
- Josh Caddy – Finally you can trade this guy out guilt free! With him out now for 4 weeks minimum with a foot injury you can kick him to the kerb! His price of $321,400 in RDT and $330,098 in AFLF mean that he is still awkwardly priced and you can either downgrade to make some cash or upgrade to a premium. At his price you could go to a Shaun Higgins or with a bit of extra cash you could jump to a Pavlich. On the downgrade your best bet was last night with Sam Lloyd or you could look at a Sam Gray. Have a look at Jeppa’s Juniors if you wanted to downgrade.
- Shane Mumford – I think he will need to be traded as your R3 is probably going to be a good bet for only about 40 points at best. Options would be pretty much anyone, but Jacobs would be best if you can swallow his R8 bye.
- Tom Mitchell – This is a major disappointment as many of us had high hopes for this kid this year. The one plus for us is his price. It is only another $20k to get from him up to Jackson Macrae if you have Mitchell in the mids, or you could go to Roughead, if you have him in the forwards, who is pretty much the same price in RDT
- Brendon Goddard – After injuring his groin in the warm up last week, he is missing this week. At $511k in RDT you can pretty much pick anyone you want, particularly if you have $120k in the bank as this means you really can have anyone!
- Liam Shiels is a guy that was getting a bit of hype. At $404k he isn’t the easiest to replace, your options would be someone like Matt Rosa or a Robbie Gray. Neither particularly tasty options, so once again I would be looking at downgrading and pocketing some cash or if you already have some then upgrade to a premium.
- Leuenberger and Hanley – Of course you had to have dealt with these two guys before lockout last night, so hopefully you did or you at least moved them to your bench. If you did keep them this week, then of course you will need to have a look next week at your trading options.
Things To Remember
- Trades are NOT Reversible today!! – This is pre-Heath Shaw Rule old school DT’ing today, all trades stick! (not sure in AFL Fantasy though, just treat it like it does to be safe)
- Hawks and Cats teams are not final until Sat Night! – So in the non rolling lockout forms of the game you need to take a punt and hope that your guys play. Make sure you have playing Emergencies in every line.
- There is no such thing as too much chocolate – Trust me!
- If you used a loophole then double check your team – Just make sure your E’s are set properly if you plan to use the loophole.
- Start planning for the bye’s – Every trade you are making at this point should have the Bye rounds in mind. Don’t forget about them, they are only 3 games away.
The key to this round is that you now have all day today without work interrupting (for most of us anyway) to work out what your need to do and get your trades right. Make sure that whilst you are trading that you do keep those bye rounds in mind as they are looming fast.
Article Catchup!
With a day off today what better time is there to go back and read all the articles this week to make sure you have gotten your team ship shape for the next lockout on Saturday!
Make sure you have nailed all of your Juniors by reading Jeppa’s Juniors from earlier in the week.
Also make sure your captaincy decisions are all done by having a read of Calvin’s Captains from earlier too.
I hope your round started with a bang last night and that you have a fantastic weekend both on and off the field. Make sure you check your team before the Saturday avo lockouts. Have a Happy and Safe Easter and if you are driving please be careful. I will be lucky enough to be at the Hawks and Cats game on Monday so that should be a big one. As always stick to Twitter and pick up any info you can before lockout in your games of choice. @pkd73 is where you will find me. Til next week and the Anzac Day games have a great long weekend.

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