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My Team

My Team 2014: Version 4.4

Here’s a new version of ‘My Team’ to get us through the rest of the long weekend… dare we say, there will be a new one of these up again soon! Discuss your AFL Fantasy and AFL Dream Team squads in the comments. Make sure you say which game your team is for.

myteamv30articleHeading into the final week of the Fantasy pre-season things are heating up. We have version 4.4 of the My Team post to get your AFL Fantasy and Dream Team discussions going.

We recommend you use the Drawing Board to make your mock AFL Fantasy and AFL Dream Team teams (there is a difference). Please indicate which competition the team you’re posting is for to avoid confusion.

Make sure you head on over to to put together your 2014 AFL Fantasy squad using all of the official prices and positions. Chad has been working hard to make this great resource for all AFL Fantasy fans to enjoy. It’s free and easy to sign up and you are able to copy and paste your team for the comments here on the site.

Please be constructive in the comments. Feel free to discuss any players, positions or any other thoughts about AFL Fantasy for 2014!

For older My Team entries, click here.

DT Talk - covering AFL Fantasy and other games since 2007.

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