It’s finals week! The last week where everyone is still in theory within with a shot of premiership glory. As many a coach has said in the past to their troops ‘give it 110%’ and ‘don’t leave anything out on the field’ Well in DT we want to do the opposite and leave it ALL on the field to give ourselves the best chance of winning.
Will Ibbotson play? It may sound stupid, but if he wasn’t going to play, or at least be a chance to play he wouldn’t be named. Maybe. Playing GWS at home and on a Sunday, I would be worried. Terlich has been valiant for most of the year, but his form for the last 3 weeks has been somewhat underwhelming and it’s time to bid him farewell.
Heath Scotland ($367,300, b/e -16) – In the last 2 weeks, old Man Scotland has returned to his premium days of yesteryear when he was a walk up start to anyone’s starting team. Scoring 129 and 126 in the last 2 games, he’s in red hot form. Perfect sideways trade from wither of the mentioned above.
Pearce Hanley ($421,500 b/e 70) Diddley – dee he’s popular again! Hanley seems to have been in and out of sides more than with form and injury than most other players. But with a 5 round average of 99, and his lowest of 83 in 5 weeks, Hanley should be a safe bet if your backline needs a bit of stability.
Tom Mitchell. It has been a pleasure to have you in my team for the past 8 weeks. You made life so easy, allowing me to upgrade other lines before that last M8 spot and outperformed my other mids most weeks. But a season of football is a long time, and your 2 lowest scores for the year have been in the last 3 weeks. It’s time to have a rest and I will see you again very soon. Yep, everyone’s boy Titchell is the most popular player traded out this week, being involved in 1/10 trades. While most thought he was a sure thing for M9 for the rest of the year, scores of 58 and 74 are not what are needed, especially when there are whispers of Pendlebury missing.
Jobe Watson ($420,600 b/e 145) It’s a good feeling to trade out a future Brownlow medalist and bring in the current Brownlow medalist! Watson is super cheap and likely to decrease in price more, but his potential output for value at $420k is still amazing. When it only costs $20k to trade from Titch to Watson it’s a trade I would do every week. Watson also loves playing my boys, with 122, 114 and 127 in his last 3 against them. Likely to get a Scooter tag, but will still score well.
Steele Sidebottom ($479, 800, b/e 43) As Tbetta pointed out on Tuesday, Steele is pretty happy to have Beams back in the Collingwood team. 3 round average of 123 and ownership of 3.7%? It’s a trade that could definitely reinforce your team – especially if you have Beams (boom tish!).
Ryan Griffen ($518,700, b/e 98). I thought the attack dog might start trailling off a month ago, with a couple of sup 100 performances. Nope. Since round 10, he has 7 100’s in 9 outings and 5 round average of 107. Doesn’t mind playing Carlton and with no Carrazzo to tag him, should be good to build on those 100’s. Still only in 11% of teams.
Kreuzer is the big out here with a calf injury. With Carlton’s ladder position, they can’t afford to not have their best team on the park so it would be a genuine injury. Do we Hold or Fold? Well for me, it depends on a couple of factors. If you have some currency on the bench in the way of a Nicholls or Gawn, then some spare change would allow you to get most ruckman, giving good depth for the next 3 weeks. No cash and in an elimination final? Well trade away.
Will Minson $422, 800 b/e 64. ‘Big Will’ is your safest bet outside Cox in my opinion. Has moved up to the second highest averaging ruckman and a 5 round average of 90. Is also the third most consistent scoring ruckman behind Cox and Roughead. I would personally go a ‘set and forget’ type of ruckman rather than looking for a POD and try to win my matchup in a different part of the ground.
Aaron Sandilands $381, 000, b/e 106). Big Sandi has now had 4 games back and is starting to hit top fitness. With a score of 80 last week, he has been slowly building his scores every week and is up a against a giants outfit who won’t offer too much competition in the ruck department. The type of player you can sideways a Nicholls or Gawn to for minimal cash. Only in .99% of teams too, if you feel like taking a risk!
Shane ‘Sausages’ Mumford $363, 900, b/e 27. With 2 100’s in the last 2 weeks, and up against a 3rd gamer this week, I really want to recommend big Mummy, but am not too sure. While his form is good, 9 scores of 70 or under for the season is too risky in my opinion.
Brodie Grundy – ($107, 200 b/e -79) I couldn’t leave out the most popular traded in player this week! There is a lot to consider before bringing in Grundy this week.
The Good:
- He’ll make you plenty of cash from a Blicavs or Nicholls and have a good price rise next week.
- If you play him on the field, it allows you to keep Kreuzer and hope he returns next week.
- Has scored 92 on debut, but that was against the giants
The Bad:
- I still would be hesitant to play him on the ground in a do or die final this week in place of Kreuzer. Will Kreuz be back next week? Do calf injuries only last 1 week? History suggests they don’t.
- There is also Grundy’s Job security to take into account. With some big games for Collingwood coming up, I imagine they would want to get Jolly back into their team ASAP.
- Even if he does keep his spot in the team as a second ruck, I think his scoring ability would drop and his chance of a vest increase.
I’m 50/50 on this trade as I need to figure out whether to hold or fold Kreuzer. Season defining decision this one!
Buddy has come back to bit us in the arse again. I’m pretty sure he eclipses Heath Shaw and Beau Waters at the most frustrating player this year. Apart from Buddy-gate v 2013 rolling on, all is good in the forward line. No suspensions!
Rocky sneaks into the top 10 traded in this week after a stellar month of form. He’s been in my team from day dot, has never moved and rewarded me with a 98 average. Rocky is the classic example of riding the wave of varying form ( and coach’s orders) to still end up being one of the top forwards for the year. No trades were used on him, and my team is still better for his presence. Looking ahead, I get worried with his role in the team again with Moloney coming back in and Brown now out for the season. DON’T DO IT VOSSY.
Lewis Johnston ($140,100) made his season debut with a bang against the power last week. With Crows falling like flies, and their season over, he’ll get a few more games and be solid F9 cover. Likely the most traded in player next week.
Stubby’s Holders and Folders
Matty Kreuzer – As discussed above there are pros and cons for either decision and probably is guided by your league match. Split decision.
Everyone else can be Folded pretty much. Get as much value/points on the field every week now.
The Ty Vickery Award
A dual winner!
After teasing us with a big 100 the week before, Buddy did what Buddy does best. Frustrate the hell out of coaches. Looking good at half time, he went missing in the second half and put up a paltry 47. Then has a week off with hamstring tightness. NEVER AGAIN BUDDY, NEVER AGAIN.
Running review:
A solid week for me with 2266 and consolidating my spot around 1500th overall. My YOLO trades of Dixon and Steven didn’t exactly pay off, but I’m not too worried as I’m in no danger of winning overall and finished top 8 in 4/5 leagues (including first in the DT Talk writers league – BOOM!). This week I’ll bring in Watson for Titch as some reinforcement and Ponder whether to hold or fold Kreuzer. Holding Kruez means I can bring in Sandilands for Nicholls ….. decisions decisions.
Good luck in week 1 of finals!
Good Luck this week!

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