Win a pair of Steel Blue Argyle Zip Sliders thanks to our friends at WorkwearHub.com.au!
All you have to do to win is pick which West Coast Eagles player will score the most AFL Fantasy Dream Team points in the Western Derby (West Coast v Fremantle) on July 14, 2013.
Fill out the form below with your name and email and then select who you think will score the most points and how many points you think they’ll get. Entries close at 2:40pm AWST (the start of the match). In the event of a tie, the first correct answer submitted will be judged as the winner. Only one entry permitted per person.
Give @WorkwearHub and @SteelBlueBoots a follow on Twitter and be sure to check out www.workwearhub.com.au for their great range of products, including these awesome boots.

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