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Players of Interest

Leftys Leftfielders – Round 8 Report Card

Welcome to the round 8 summary of Lefty’s Leftfielders – where we will assess my ‘left field’ selections from the preseason and give them a Win, Pass or Fail mark.…It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride fair to say but a couple have repaid the faith.


Welcome to the Round 8 summary of Lefty’s Leftfielders – where we will assess my ‘left field’ selections from the preseason and give them a Win, Pass or Fail mark.…It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride fair to say but a couple have repaid the faith.


Nick Riewoldt

The number one ranked forward and fifth highest ranking player overall. What else do you need to know?

Scores                        82,108,99,93,153,117,123,99

Average                     109

B/E                              119

Value                             $545,200 (+$103,800)

% owned                    7.72%

Verdict                       Huge Win! Saint Nick has shown the benefit of finally having an injury free preseason and would have to be the                                          leading candidate for All Australian CHF. Surprised less than two people per league own him??


Craig Bird

Umm, Julia Gillards face comes to mind here – not pretty!

Scores                       DNP, 19 (Sub),17(sub),DNP,79,50,61,31(sub)

Average                    42

B/E                             81

Value                           $277,300 (-$77,000)

% owned                   0.79% (Autofill?)

Verdict                    Fail. Horrid. As a few people said when I put up Bird, Parker was a much better option. Sorry?


Nick Suban

From SubaHero to SubaZero – this bloke is responsible for more chrome domes than male pattern baldness.

Scores                        97,72,42,13,94(sub),80,78,63

Average                     67

B/E                              59

Value                         $319,500 (+$55,000)

% owned                   6.89%

Verdict                      Pass. Given most of the defenders have been pretty bad this year Suban was an ok choice and value for money.


Harry Taylor

15th ranked defender so far in 2013 due only to his poor start – since round 3 is in the top 5 backs if my maths is right?

Scores                        61,31,101,106,108,84,66,76

Average                     79

B/E                               113

Value                         $408,000 (+$31,200)

% owned                    5.53%

Verdict                       Pass. Annoyingly I dumped him after his first two rounds and missed his next four weeks averaging 100. In hindsight, as Jon said, I needed to “Keep the Faith”. On a side note I hope he does come to the Eagles next year as rumours suggest!


Brent Moloney

Couldn’t have asked much more from the Bull, although annoyingly the 66 was in a round that my opponent didn’t have him – isn’t that typical!

Scores                        96,101,82,66,98,81,110,77

Average                      88

B/E                               69

Value                         $409,900 (+$100,100)

% owned                    20.68% (This was about 6% when I did my article)

Verdict                       Win. Has done his job beautifully, the only question now is when to upgrade? Round 11 bye is handy in mids too.


Stefan Martin

What was I thinking? About the only good thing he did was get injured and stop the leaking that way.

Scores                        47,60,44,29, DNP x 4

Average                      45

B/E                               116

Value                         $302,700 (-$53,700)

% owned                    1.01% (Yep, more than 2200 teams still have him????)

Verdict                       Big Fail. Added to the never again list. Feel like I need to wash my hands after writing about him.


Kieren Jack

The son of a gun is ranked 7th overall and is ahead of more fancied picks like Mitchell, Watson, Swallow etc. Great player to watch as well.

Scores                       107,121,59,101,113,104,106,138

Average                    106

B/E                              76

Value                          $512,800 (+$7,000

% owned                   3.73% (That is less than one team per league??)

Verdict                      Win. 7 ppg less than Swan (113 vs 106) for $180,000 odd less? I would take that every day of the week.


So there you have it – out of the seven Leftfielders we found three Wins, two Passes and two Fails. Personally the most frustrating have been the two Pass marks as I traded both out far too soon in hindsight (particularly since one became Gibbs and the other Shaw).

If anyone is wondering why I put the picture up of Jack instead of Roo (who was probably my best left field pick) it is because when you Google “Nick Riewoldt funny photo” there are too many pics involving male nudity for my liking. Plus I think Jack is a star and I love the Swans 2012 story.

Hope you enjoyed the read, any suggestions feel free to send them in.





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