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DT Talk Footy Tipping 2013

We love our fantasy footy, but we also love our footy tipping… mainly because on the weeks that our DT stinks, we can still brag about getting 9 out of 9 and winning a free Whopper. Make sure you join our ESPN league! Take us on!

footytippingJoin our 2013 AFL Footy Tipping competition thanks to ESPN’s

While we all love our fantasy footy, there is always footy tipping to hang onto if your DT is struggling for the week. We have had a huge league running for the last few years through with over 1200 members. Make sure you are registered and on board for the 2013 competition.

Take us on!

Click here to register and get tipping ready for the the season to start!

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

Recent Comments

  • The Chosen Won™®© on Rowan Marshall – Deck of DT 2025: “@warnie Can we please remove those ugly Telstra Logo from my team? I am Sam Hawk Menegola ™®© Good Luck…Feb 5, 15:04
  • doug on Elijah Hewett – Deck of DT 2025: “cheers SkinnyD, you reckon now with Sheed out for the season & Yo-Yo missing a chunk early, that Hewett becomes…Feb 5, 08:37
  • Euman on Rowan Marshall – Deck of DT 2025: “Thanks Bails, I like your work and follow on you tube. So what 2 rucks are you running now? I…Feb 5, 08:02
  • Will on Dominate AFL Fantasy with Game Changer: “Hi Andrew, Few bug fixes going out tonight to address some of your points, but with this latest one. Decimal…Feb 4, 23:48
  • Dunny on Tom Stewart – Deck of DT 2025: “Hey mate, thanks! Seems like only yesterday the season finished! I will be putting leagues together, keep an eye out…Feb 4, 12:05



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