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DT Shiva – The ULTIMATE Fantasy Football Experience

With all the talk this year around Draft-Based Leagues,we have identified the massive rise of interest in this type of Fantasy Football and have created the Ultimate Dream Team Draft-Based Competition; the DT Shiva.

DT Shiva Profile

G’day fellow DTers – with all the talk this year around Draft-Based Leagues, DT Talk is going to be doing an awesome job keeping you in the know and up to speed with the best advice going around. For those that are keen to give this a try in 2013 (or have already tried it before), we have identified the massive rise of interest in this type of Fantasy Football and have created the Ultimate Dream Team Draft-Based Competition. Dream Team Veteran Douth and the man behind team Cousins Coke n Ice has teamed up with DT Talk Author McRath to create the DT Shiva.

What is the DT Shiva exactly?

The DT Shiva is a draft-style cash-based relegation and promotion league that will be ran through Ultimate Footy starting in 2013. The aim is to create the biggest draft-based Dream Team Community in Australia, with multiple leagues that will feature some of the biggest names in the larger DT Community – including DT Talk’s own Warnie as well as several other well-known authors and contributors.

With registration now open (details below) – it remains to be seen if the hype that has captured the hearts and minds of the Social Networking Universe this preseason will translate into Season 2013. Our money is on the DT Shiva becoming the single biggest collective Fantasy Football league in the world – so jump on board and share the ride!

Check out the details below then come visit us at our new base at to join the Shivalution.

Registrations are only open until Sunday the 10th of February 2013 so get in fast!

So what do you need to do now?

  1. Register with us at (Under 18’s can register, but will be playing in cashless leagues)
  2. Register with Ultimate Footy
  3. Keep an eye on the website for updates on how the draft order will be decided, and also what division you have been allocated!

Once you’ve joined and registered, come join the conversation in our Facebook Group and start hash tagging #DTShiva on Twitter.

Are you ready for ULTIMATE Fantasy Football experience?

Click Here to Register!

Who loves a number? McRath loves a number! Not only does he crunch the numbers for his own team, he is an integral member of the DT Talk team across the season providing heaps of great content! Follow him on Twitter: @McRathDT.

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