I received a message from McRath on Friday “Hey man, im flat out this week, do you want to have a crack at the numbers??” Yeah, why not I thought. I shot him back a message, and gave him the good news. I mean it can’t be that hard could it?
Well believe you me after this weekend from hell (Read on, you will see why) I have a new found level of respect for our mate McRath! The numbers, they sometimes just don’t add up!! Tough gig this writing for DT Talk! Those that know me know I’m a fanatical Richmond Supporter, so it’s safe to say it is going to be a pretty angry view of the numbers!!
4 – The number of wins Gold Coast Suns has had in their history. Considering they have played in 37 games, that’s not a great return. Also considering 2 out of 4 wins have been at the demise of the Tigers, officially makes Richmond their bunnies.
90 – The number of degrees Leigh Adams arm was twisted up behind his back by Chris Judd. I hear this was to stop him from trying to get a handball away. Makes sense to me! Ninja Judd was in true form on Friday night, with his history of pressure points and now chicken wings I believe that he deserves 2 weeks sitting in the grandstands. I am scratching my head as to how the match review panel will view it. Is there actually a rule in the AFL that states the Chicken Wing is illegal? Ill you the commenter’s answer that one. I just wish you could buy chicken wings at the game with some tangy BBQ sauce! (How good would that be!!?)
7 – The Number of snags Drew Petrie kicked up until ¾ time. Sitting on 113 DT points to this stage and ripping Carlton a new one, I was shocked when I saw him benched and red vested. There is something magical about a player kicking goals into the double digits, and Petrie looked mighty pissed that he was not getting the opportunity to on the big show of Friday night football. Let’s hope it’s not an injury that will see him miss the Richmond match this week.
113 – The average losing margin for the GWS in its last four games. I went back 4 weeks to give it some respectability as well. The average losing margin for them in their last 2 matches is 140 points. At this rate, GWS are likely to finish with a worse record than Gold Coast did, and that will surprise many considering the comparisons that were being made earlier in the year. Is GWS really further progressed than the Suns were at the same stage?? Line ball I reckon.
5 – Number of players according to fan footy on the weekend that will fall under suspicion of the MRP. All fantasy relevant really for many as well. With the exception of me as I don’t have any of these guys. I reckon a few of you do though! Fingers crossed you have cover if you have any of them!! Jack Ziebell, Chris Judd, Heath Scotland, Trent Cotchin & Shaun Burgoyne. Ziebell and Judd are the most likely to cop sanctions, and 2 weeks each sounds about right.
142 – Ryan O’Keefes score on the weekend!! How many people have this guy, who was one of the first picked 2 years ago and looks to be in the best form of his career now? ROK is back and will be considered by quite a few I would imagine…If you have trades to burn!! Has averaged 108 in his last 5 and owned by only 3.29% of teams. You could do worse trading him in!! Ill be having a close look too
40,556 – The number of owners of Ivan Maric who would be cursing Damien Hardwick right now. Add to that the actual Richmond supporters and your looking at more like 100,000 people in Australia that would love to have a little word to Dimma about his balls up idea of resting the Big Croatian Mullet. I’m nervous even thinking that this will be made public, and he may actually read it, so im going to take it easy on this one.
0 – The number of people who would actual have the balls to actually say something to Dimmas face about resting Maric. Between Him, and the Scott brothers, there are few more fearsome sights in AFL than when the vain in the side of their necks start to pop out of their skin…..Its a sure sign to get out before you get hurt!
2 – The number of premiums due back from suspension this week. Those of you who sat on BJ and Dusty will be hoping for some massive bounce back scores this week, whilst everyone else hopes the opposite! Im in the “Hope they Kill it” bandwagon seeing as I still have both.
81 – DT Talks own Tom Rockliff’s score this week. This brings him to 2 games in a row where he has not tonned up. Historically in 2012, he has had 2 double digit games in a row 3 times this year, and each time bounced back tonning up with a 143, then a 125, then a 141. When Rockys back, he goes big. So for the 5.96% of teams who have him, I hope he goes big this weekend continues the trend!!
Whore of the Week
Dayne Beams gets the goodies this week for whore of the week. There was much to like about his 137 point game against the Cats. What’s most significant from this particular game, is that he is still scored this score with both Pendle’s and Swanny eating into his midfield time. I would be loading the cash into his account rather than Clokes if I was the pies.
The Roundup
Highlights: As mentioned previously, Ryan O’Keefe was sensational against the Eagles. High props to young Richmond gun Trent Cotchin who was one of only 3 or 4 Tigers who could hold his head up high after the disaster that occurred to their season up in Cairns. He went head to head with Ablett and took the chocolates with a 38 disposal 137 point game. Lock him in for the 3 Brownlow votes now. Special mention to Drew Petrie & The Kangaroos in general. Playing attractive to watch footy for the first time in a long time. Could upset a few if they make the 8 based on recent form.
Lowlights: Richmonds finals chances imploding (on a personal level that one, apologies to my neighbours who would have heard the long list of obscenities being thrown directly at my television.). Judd’s Chicken Wing, Broughtons Subbing, Sucklings Sucking, the list could go on.
Team Cousins Coke n Ice: This is the worst week ever I could have been asked to do this write up. Not only do I bear witness to being #Khunted by GC in real footy, My fantasy Football side could not have spudded up any worse. Let me paint the picture. I have the following players. Goddard, Broughton, Suckling (traded in this week for Waters), Maric, Franklin & Martin. Broughton was subbed off for after an error in the backline cost Freo a goal, and Ross Lyon decided that that was a bad enough offense to sub him off, just as they had bought him into the midfield. 36 points. F Me!!!! The rest is self explanatory. I scored only 2086 points which leaves me languishing at 2575 overall. One of the worst weeks ever for me personally!
That’s it from me today guys, I hope you enjoyed my version of the numbers, and Im sure McRath will be ready to fire on all cylinders again next week!
Good luck for the rest of the year in your DT.
The Cuz. (@douthteez in the old twitterverse.)

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