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Rucking Punt

Rainman has emailed us with a rucking awesome article… “Lads, with all of the talk around varying set and forget ruck options, I thought that I would do some analysis on the main candidates. Assuming that most sides are running with the Giles and Big O options as 3 and 4.” Read what he’s got to say!

Lads, with all of the talk around varying set and forget ruck options, I thought that I would do some analysis on the main candidates. Assuming that most sides are running with the Giles and Big O options as 3 and 4.

For this analysis I have used what i deem to be the 7 most popular ruck options..being:

  • Cox
  • Goldstein
  • Sandilands
  • Leuenberger
  • McEvoy
  • Mumford
  • Jacobs

Sooo… how do they stack up?

Firstly lets take a look at 2011 and some of the key stats.

On average I think that most of us would be happy if our 2 starting rucks are averaging over 90 per game, so how many times did they do that?

  • Cox 76% (19)
  • Sandi 75% (9)
  • Goldstein 71% (15)
  • L Berger 68% (15)
  • McEvoy 55% (12)
  • Mumford 47% (9)
  • Jacobs 47% (9)

These guys amass there points in 2 distinct ways.. either Disposal or Tap and Tackle.

Disposal %

  • Cox 45%
  • Sandi 42%
  • L Berger 42%

The remainder are under 40%. Mumford, Jacobs and Goldstein fall in to the tap and tackle category

T&T Category %

  • Mumford 59%
  • Goldstein 53%
  • Jacobs 50%

McEvoy is the interessting one who is a good blend of the 2 at 38% disposal rating and 42% T&T.

If we also compare the start of the year to the finish of the year.

Player R1-12 R13-24 Diff
McEvoy 90.9 86.1 -4.8
Goldstein 101.4 97.3 -4.1
Leuenberger 85.2 100.7 15.5
Cox 114.6 94.4 -20.2
Mumford 83.9 99.7 15.9
Sandilands 103.1 77.3 -25.9
Jacobs 78.1 94.7 16.6

Mumford, Jacobs and Berger flew home in 2011… whilst Cox and Sandi started in a blaze of glory (obv Sandi’s big toe affected his output in the latter part of the year). McEvoy and Goldstein were very consistent.

All have a very high ceiling with Sandi having the lowest ceiling at 129.

Looking ahead to 2012 and what kind of draw these guys have.

Goldstein and Jacobs both play GWS and GC twice and based on last year..ruckman like playing GC…so am assuming that similar scores will play out against the Giants.

The below analysis looks at the teams that each ruckmen play twice and their 2011 average against that team. (where rucks play GWS am using GC average)

Goldstein GC WCE ESS WB GWS 86.8
Leuenberger CAR MEL GC WCE WB 90
Mumford GWS HAW WB STK GEE 108.8
Sandilands PA ADE RIC WCE MEL 98.3
Jacobs PA GEE GWS FRE GC 101.3

So how do you work out what is the right combo for you?

Personally I am taking my rucking punt on Mumford/Jacobs combo… both are number 1 ruckmen at their club with no real competition, both play GWS twice, with Jacobs playing GC and PA twice. They are both fit for the first time in a while and play easy games early which should  equal out their discrepancy around performance through the early and latter part of the year. Their price is nice leaving some room to  upgrade in other areas.

Any way hope this was useful and hit me up for further comments or analysis…as i have it all.


Rainman, like the DT Talk boys, hails from Tasmania. Not only does he love his kids, but he loves a stat... almost as much as he loves a hashtag! Follow him on Twitter: @RainmanDT.

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