Ok, so I am coming off my worst week in the last half decade. I was happy to take the hit with 3 Pies out because it was Swan and Pendlebury that got me into 400th in the first place (not so much Didak). But, little did I expect the rabble that followed in order for me to rank 109,000 for the week and drop 2000 positions overall. The reason I am telling you this is it can only mean trade, trade TRADE. Even if it is reactive and out of anger. Here is the lineup for the chopping block:
Shaun Higgins: Dog’s wont disclose the severity his groin injury apart from the fact it has been relocated to his forehead.
Steve Johnson: Steve had better perform this week considering he has rested his precious shoulder just for it…. I’m not holding my breath.
Ed Curnow: I love you, but if reports are true about 6-8 weeks, it might be time to part ways. Until we meet again my friend.
Jack Grimes: I knew you had a history of soft tissue, but i didn’t predict the busted foot (as many experts did) pfft. Good luck mate, but seriously, did it have to be this week?
Chris Knights: Way to step up in a time of need….. ah, don’t get me started.
Nat Fyfe: You were gutsy to come back on, all good and look after the shoulder. I would never trade you x.
As expected all my rookies sucked but they are allowed to. I also expect more in future from Franklin, Goddard and a 90 wouldn’t have hurt Delids!
So, who are you guys looking at trading?

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