As we move into the hustle and bustle of the last few days before lockout, it is only natural we over analyse things and quite often question our “unique” picks. If not questioning current unique picks, this can be a common time to try and pluck one from obscurity caused by the panic of thinking all teams are the same. I am going to have a look at some players I have heard referred to as “unique” and questioned that being the case over the pre season, just to see how unique they actually are. For this I am going to need the help of the “assistant coach”.
Matthew Boyd: At the very start of the pre season, some coaches were talking about selecting Boyd as their premium mid, and a unique alternative to Dane Swan. This idea did grow in popularity to some extent, but he is still only ranked 28th and somewhat unique for one of the elite players.
Dean Cox: For years Coxy has been a top 10 pick in terms of popularity but this year he has slipped to the point of being unique by his standards. Although a ranking number of 31 is nothing to turn your nose up at, it indicates that he is not in every team this year, however to call him unique would be a stretch.
Chris Knights: Coaches are definitely still split on the decision of whether Knightsy’s body can hold up. As the 48th most selected players, it shows a lot of coaches are turning their back on his potential upside for fear of injury, while equally on the flipside he is too much for others to resist placing him in a mildly unique bracket
Scott Pendlebury: With lots of talk about Pendles taking Dane Swans number 1 spot, the people with this bright idea either haven’t been backing it up with their trade finger, or haven’t been very convincing. Dane Swan is still the leader of the most selected players, while Pendlebury is a lowly 58th and arguably unique for a premium with upside.
Colin Sylvia: Sylvia had the potential this year to become a mainstream top 50 selection, but a week out he still remains quite unique for a DPP with huge scoring ability at 61. I know the Warne Dawgs will be horrified to hear he is not top 10 but truthfully, he is about as reliable as Fev backing you a winner on the Horses.
What “unique” picks are you planning on throwing in the mix this week?

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