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Deck of Dream Team

Brendon Goddard: Deck of Dream Team 2011

Mr Versatile. Goddard is an out and out gun. If you watched Part One of the 2010 Grand Final, you would have thought that I was unlucky not to have collected $120 on him winning the Norm. Oh well, I’m sure he has now set his sights on something bigger in 2011… the Golden Stubby Award!

Name: Brendon Goddard
Club: St Kilda
Position: Defender/Midfielder (Forward too?!)
Bye Rounds: 4 & 14
2010 Average: 113.4
2010 Games Played: 21
Predicted Average: 120

Why should I pick him? This man is everything you want in AFL Dream Team. Win, loss or draw, Brendon Goddard smashes it up! The 25 year old is a warrior on the field and anyone who has ever had him pencils him in for at least 100 each week. Last year he went under 100 points 4 times… and that was with a 67, 88, 97 and 96. How do you like those apples? His consistency is outstanding and performs all over the ground. Heck, in 2011 he could almost be named as a multi-position player covering DEF/MID/RUC/FWD as he has had successful stints in all positions. Realistically he could have forward added to his defender/midfielder dual positioning. All things are positive for picking Goddard from the get go. He has a multi-bye round, which would be good for going for a league win and both byes are out of the way early (by Round 14) which will mean 10 games straight coming home.

Why shouldn’t I pick him? Maybe the fact he has 10 games straight coming home could hurt him… a rest in there maybe? He hasn’t ever played all 22 games in a season, but durability isn’t a huge concern. There aren’t many reasons not to pick him. Unless you were looking at gunning for him after his 2nd bye in Round 14? But that’s 12 games prior to that you’ve missed out on his massive points.

Deck of DT Rating. ACE – Brendon Goddard will be one of the most selected players in 2011 and he is only going to get better. There won’t be many that start without this premium ace in their backlines… ready to do a switch-a-roo with another DEF/MID when needed. Just be aware, if going for the overall win, that you can cover for him in Round 4 with Brisbane and Western Bulldogs both having byes then too. Lock and load. You’d be silly not to!

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

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