Hi, welcome to RRE for round 14. Thankfully that damn split round is over, the pain of another bad DT “week” for destROY was dragged out 7 days longer than it needed too. If I had to describe what it looked like watching live scores update over the split round for me, it would be a train crashing in slow motion that lasted two weeks, every time you thought it had stopped and you begin to pick up the pieces, it gained a bit more momentum and hit something else! This week should be better, however there is still 1 more day of pain than usual.
Gun forward replacements:
With the likes of Brown, Stevie, possibly Chappy and Higgins etc, even the disciplined traders will be getting itchy to pull the trigger to avoid the much hated 0’s. I’m going to look at guys who would be possible replacements. Some may be good value, some may just be premium you have desired all year. With Chappy looking to return, I will also look at him as potential swaps for the likes of Brown or Stevie.
Buddy Franklin: We all know Buddy is a roller coaster and you need to take the good with the bad, but at the moment he looks to still be on the rise of a loopdideeloop. Over the past month he has averaged 105 and is looking good. Usually when he is playing well he is less likely for his brain snaps that cost him at the tribunal. Priced at $386,500 and a BE of 56, won’t be a sub 400K bargain for long.
Brent Harvey: This guys is an absolute champion and most importantly is capable of big 100’s. It is scary that he will cop the tag every week, but more often than not, it doesn’t bother him. Unfortunately, this week may not be pretty with the pink pig looking to bounce back from his Lenny Hayse ownage last week, and its at the Cattery to make matters worse. On another negative not, they play the saints one more time this year….. Priced at a bargain $353,200 and a BE of 58. Don’t underestimate the value of a dual position player when our players are dropping like flies.
Paul Chapman: Why not answer your problems by going straight to the top? Chappy is one of the best players in the competition and thankfully, he converts it into DT points as well. Of course it is scary that his hammy’s are weak, but the upside of this fine old Chap is too hard to ignore. Worst score of the year is 99, DPP, tough, fun to watch, better player than Ablett, need I say more? If he plays this week, he is priced at a bargain $462,800 and has a BE of 135 caused by the hopeless 99. Damn he is good.
Daniel Gia: Its seems for 1 extreme or the other other, Gia pops up in RRE every few weeks. A run of bad form caused a massive price drop but it seems he is once again hard to ignore for the price. Its a worry that he seems to go well with no Boyd or Higgins but the runs are on the board with 108 and 110 in the last 2. You don’t have much chance to ponder this one because his BE is a low 35. Priced at $339,200.
Just a bit of Ruckin’ luck is all I ask:
I have had a awful run of luck/ stupid moves in the ruck department to the point I have wasted 3 trades on the 1 ruck spot, for no significant gain to my team. With the Hille debarcle, combined with the new Special K going down, some unlucky buggers have two ruck trades to consider in this week. Special thoughts go out to the people who took 2 x Hille 0’s expecting him back this week.
Best of the best:
Aaron Sandilands: Back to his best with scores of 104 and 128, Sandi is by far the best answer for those who don’t have him. He plays 90% game time and basically starts the game on his 40 gimme hitouts. Back in form with a BE of 60 and a price of $390,200.
Patty Ryder: I traded in Ryder as soon as Hille went down and  he is yet to disappoint me. I must admit, I like his role more when he has Hille as a sidekick, but he has managed two 90’s anyway. That leaves him and average of 104 for the past month, and quite unique. If you round out your rucks with Ryder to compliment Sandi, thats the best ruck combo possible. Priced at $408,400 and a BE of 118.
Second best of the best?:
Dean Cox: Averaging 85 for the last month is nothing to turn your nose up at, especially from a ruck. Coxy has the potential to score big hundreds which may come in very handy at finals time. Unfortunately Nic Nat has eaten away at Coxy’s scores although I’m not 100% sure how, as he doesn’t score himself. Priced at $359,700 and a BE of 91.
Shane Mumford: Big mummy is flourishing with the hack Seaby out. The last month he has averaged 94 and is only playing 65% game time. If he can get his fitness up, a 100 average is definitely on the cards. Prices at $347,700 and a BE of 110. May be a nice unique touch for your finals run.
Well that’s what I’ve got for the week, I’m sure there are many other points of interest to discuss today before we potentially pull a trade or two tonight. Good luck, destROY

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