Sam Mitchell was asked on Thursday morning if he was a chance to make his way West.
“No, I don’t think so,” he said,,, WHAT!!! Oh Sam I’m mad!!
He went on to say…. “I’ve been fighting with the medical staff all week, but I think they’re on the side of caution when you’ve got to fly over to Perth.”
Apparently the 4 hour flight is too demanding… ok then, lets wrap him in cotton wool and sit him on bubble wrap, can’t handle a plane trip, what have these tough footballers turned in to?
Bugger me, this better be a bluff
GOOD news for Buddy Franklin  fans…
Buddy suffered an injury scare on Wednesday when he rolled an ankle at training.
“[The] ankle’s good.” he said. “I’ll be right to play.” – Good to hear Bud, careful on the flight though! These big flights are risky!! ARRRGGG.

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