The Eliminator section of AFL Dream Team starts this week. This is where you play against some random and try to stay alive by winning. Great concept to keep it interesting. Unfortunately, this year the prize is a measly $1000. But hey, if you are struggling like me – you might as well think you’re a chance to win something!
Check out who you have now by clicking on the ‘ELIMINATOR’ tab when you log into your Dream Team.
You should have someone pretty average… because all readers of DT TALK would have to be superstars – even the best of them are ranked 24,000th or so! It is knockout, so do your best to stay in!
I laughed when I clicked on the team I’m playing. Josh’s Buttkickers must be a Saint’s supporter. He’s ranked 226,924th, has 17 non players, is averaging 1200 points per game… and has no idea. I’m hoping for a win this week (even if my team is awful)!
Who are you up against? Will you keep your side ‘active’ in the eliminator?

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