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My Team 2012: Version 3.1

One week into AFL Dream Team being open for 2012 and the original My Team Version 3.0 post had over 2,200 comments… so it’s time for a new one! This is where you can post your team, ask questions and talk AFL Dream Team stuff!

We’re a week into AFL Dream Team opening and Version 3.0 had over 2,200 comments! Wow! here’s a new one!

This here is the post where you can comment on your own team, help others out, ask random questions, etc. Make sure it isnā€™t completely a ā€˜me, me, meā€™ place to beā€¦ offer up advice for those who are playing the game and visiting our site. Remember, you may not agree with someone, but you donā€™t have to make it personal!

Make everyoneā€™s life easy by posting your team in an easy to read format! There is nothing worse than seeing it all over the place. Here is a suggested way to post it up.

TEAM NAME: Warne Dawgs
DEF: A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player (A. Player, A. Player)
MID: A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player (A. Player, A. Player)
RUC: A. Player, A. Player (A. Player, A. Player)
FWD: A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player, A. Player (A. Player, A. Player)
CASH LEFT: $9,999

Remember, there is a link to this post on the sidebar so you donā€™t lose it! Happy Dream Teaming!

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

Recent Comments

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  • Ned on My Team 2025: Launch: “45TRKWA7 filled. The other 2 have spots leftDec 24, 18:05
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  • Ned on My Team 2025: Launch: “AFL Fantasy Classic leagues to fill: KPSDZVH7 HPXPMNJ7 45TRKWA7 All welcomeDec 24, 07:45



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