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My Team

My Team 2012: Version 2.0

Now that the official planner is out – Assistant Coach Team Picker – we can start really planning our teams. The official prices and positions are all there for those who subscribed to the Assistant Coach in 2011. Post up your 2012 squads in the comments and chat about your teams here.

Now that the official planner is out – Assistant Coach Team Picker – we can start really planning our teams. The official prices and positions are all there for those who subscribed to the Assistant Coach in 2011.

Unfortunately you can’t purchase the Assistant Coach now… so take this as a hint for next year – SUBSCRIBE TO IT EARLY! Don’t forget you also get exclusive content from us, but most importantly the analyser and other bells and whistles that are well worth the $20 outlay.

Post your team in the comments [hit print my team and copy and paste the contents including your remaining salary cap] and let it loose for the wolves to ravage it! Comment on other peoples teams, offer advice, etc.

Dream Team will open on February 1. Until then, get planning and talking about it at your #1 AFL Dream Team website,

Co-captain of DT Talk since we started this thing in 2007. Best finish was 13th in 2009... that was a long time ago. Follow on Twitter: @WarnieDT

Recent Comments

  • Ned on My Team 2025: Launch: “All leagues filled thxDec 27, 08:03
  • David Wilson on Bailey Smith – Deck of DT 2025: “100% Dawg 👍 locked and loaded, we all have him even IF he fails, only injury will stop the great…Dec 26, 20:46
  • Ned on My Team 2025: Launch: “45TRKWA7 filled. The other 2 have spots leftDec 24, 18:05
  • Smith on My Team 2025: Launch: “Just created a fantasy league. Pin is 2DHLNM9M Anyone is welcome to joinDec 24, 16:33
  • Ned on My Team 2025: Launch: “AFL Fantasy Classic leagues to fill: KPSDZVH7 HPXPMNJ7 45TRKWA7 All welcomeDec 24, 07:45



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