Another week down, and another week of coulda woulda shouldas. Typical stuff, strap in. It’s time for the weekend wash-up!
Treloar (149) – I have to start with my winner of the week. I always had faith in Adam Treloar!! We’re past his standard injury scare, and he followed up with 31 disposals, 6 marks, 8 tackles, and 3 goals. Now averaging 111 for the season and 115 in his last 5, and get this… On average, he is M2. In fact he is only behind Gulden and Sheezel for best non rucks! King.
Keays (129) – 22 disposals, 8 tackles and 5 goals for Keaysa. What’s of more note is the fact he moved in to the middle when Dawson went down and had 50 points in Q4… He will surely be in the guts next week and that makes him a high upside short-term play. If he ever gets another midfield gig I’ll be ready.
Merrett (109) – Good first 3 quarters, but where was he when the whips were cracking for the last 20 minutes? Still, we take this score.
Whitfield (145) – 40 disposals and 10 marks, that’s the kind of thirst I want to see from my uber premiums. We barely see it these days. L5 average of 130, dropped under 120 twice in last 7 games and those were both still tons. Insane numbers, the hottest player in fantasy and an obvious captain.
Green (120) – He’s back. L5 average of 117 is up there with the best in the competition. We can’t let emotions get the best of us, Tom Green is a must have.
Flanders (137) – 43 disposals with 9 clearances, disgusting numbers. Shows he can do it in the midfield and not just with cheapies off half back, but what are our forward lines going to look like next year?!
Steele (133) – He has to be a serious option, that’s 3 tons on the trot. He may not be a great player but I own Sam Walsh. 31 disposals and 9 marks is what you want to see.
Marshall (118) – Definitely better than Tim English, I’ll admit that much. He’s probably R2 behind big X.
Sinclair (110) – Gotta be pushing the top 6 defenders, he’s a great POD. Easy matchup though.
Wood (106) – Mason f**king Wood hey. What has this season come to.
NWM (100) – A safe 95-100, but boring. You could do a lot worse than a boring 100.
Ginnivan (122) – 31 disposals and 2 goals, and gave it to the Pies fan too. From the one of the most hated to one of the most loved players in the AFL, I’ve not seen a turnaround like this ever. The power of Collingwood hate.
Stewart (125) – No brainer of the year, I can’t tell if Tom Stewart is playing in the midfield or chipping it around as the loose back half the time. 55 point third quarter, disgusting stuff. Must have.
English (116) – It’s a solid captain score, but come on… Those were the best conditions ever for a ruck against the worst ruck in the comp. Shame Tim is the second worst. That should have been a walkup 140+. You take the couple of 110’s and run. He’s gone.
Richards (131) – Genuine gun mid of the competition? What a game, 29 and 2. Just not getting the full time mid role to own him safely.
Zorko (131) – King. Would you pick him as a back next year? Dominant.
Clugga (119) – 26 and 3, he has these dominant games in him. I just wish we saw them more often.
Gulden (113) – Did his thing, just a tough game to go 150 in. Pretty funny that we’re slightly disappointed with a 113, says enough.
Serong (123) – He’s cheap………. And I’ll leave it at that.
Brayshaw (120) – L5 112, with a huge ceiling… Those are the blokes to target at this point, see Trelly last week. Bray has the derby coming up this week. You could do worse.
Sheezel (134) – Gun, surely nobody would have benched him would they…?
Xerri (124) – R1? Geelong and SDK next week which should be a walkup 130. Pretty close to a must have next week….
Walsh (90) – He has done it again. 24 years old and the bloke can only run out 3 months a season. 25 disposals and 7 tackles is nice, but what am I supposed to do with 1 mark?! 3 marks in the last 3 weeks?! If he doesn’t make 10+ tackles he’s completely useless. We literally all own Matt Rowell 2.0. Terrible coaching by me to get him, should have known better.
Dawson (81) – Fffffffffffff….. Looked on target for 120 as my vice captain, then he got sniped. Probably for the best if I’m honest. Sick of his face.
Caldwell (86) – Subbed off with a fake concussion apparently? Hopefully that’s the case as I can’t afford any more forced trades this week.
Anderson (78) – I can safely place Noah Anderson on my never again list and I haven’t even owned him this year. The target of too many tags and just too inconsistent.
Rowell (51) – Only likes humid grass.
Daicos (87) – Pathetic. 24 disposals and the reason Collingwood are getting smashed frankly. I reckon he’s going at 50% over the last month as well as not getting near it, worst trade in of the year. That’s over Jordan Sweet. I can just never get the timing of owning Nick Daicos right…
Crisp (75) – Milked him for what he was worth, and sent him packing. As you should too. Farewell omegle.
J.Richards (42) – Schmokin was shit.
Miers (52) – I guess this is why we don’t own Gryan Messi. You wear the 70s up forward but 52 is a gigantic turd.
Dempsey (30) – Stinker. I thought 52 was bad. People are getting away with playing rookies and hopefully this is a sign that’s coming to an end! It happens abruptly…
Bont (95) – This game had a Bont 140 written all over it, until he wasn’t in doubt to play before the first bounce. Quickly, somebody give him the flu.
Butters (88) – Here we go again…… Just when you think you can trust Zak Butters, he delivers this effort. Now, here come the tags again. Close your eyes…
Heeney (78) – He can count himself lucky the forward line stinks, because his form has been atrocious. Does he not care anymore now he can’t win the brownlow? Zero CBAs is just bizarre stuff, back to the Heeney of old.
Grundy (74) – Useless dog. I will say as an owner, while he has resembled a lumbering oaf the past few weeks, the matchups have been tough and he turned it around and smashed it after his bye earlier in the year. He gets Tim English this week, so that should be big. If he can’t beat him up he’s gone.
Clark (86) – I want the 97 average Clark back. Sad and quite frankly embarrassing. You’re telling me Freo was up by 10 goals with 20 minutes to go and Jordan Clark didn’t have a single touch for the rest of the game?! In the same matchup earlier in the year he probably had 50 points in the back pocket in the final quarter. That Longmuir comment had to be about him and Ryan, and now he’s scared of cheap junk. Disaster.
Young (89) – A solid score and he should be big this week, but I’m sleeping like a baby after trading him out.
Ryan (85) – Washed, I never thought I would say this but bring the peroxide back.
Jackson (72) – A sh*t score with Darcy back and now he’s injured. The full blanket Jackson experience.
Rivers (73) – A necessary reality check. He would be a better option if Melbourne weren’t so sh*t.
Oliver (63) – This is what he is, put Melbourne alongside the Eagles and Richmond in fantasy purgatory. Salem also scored 54 if anyone still cares.
Fisher (43) – Tactically subbed and on the same path as Riley Bonner and Alex Sexton. It was a good run, fish.
Powell (41) – How did he make it to the AFL? I’m really not sure.
Kennedy (56) – We can finally put this one in the bin I reckon.
This game sh*ts me
It’s honestly just the endless bullsh*t that this game dishes up. Caldwell and Dawson go down within 5 minutes of each other. Rozee is just a pussy. We can’t have a week where it all goes to plan. There is always at least ONE thing that goes wrong. Often more. What it leaves us as fantasy coaches is unsatisfied. Think about it. Have you ever ended a weekend fully satisfied with your team? One day…. One day. It’s the endless chase of perfection that is just totally unrealistic, and that’s why this game sh*ts me.
The other bits and pieces
2415, with my rank now back up to 611. It has been three consecutive weeks of moving up 100 spots and I’m nearly back to where I was post byes, but that Round 16 probably ended my season. Hey, I guess miracles do happen! My team looks good, outside of the rucks of course, it’s just cross your fingers and hope to nail the big scores at this stage.
Finnbar Marley comes onto my bench this week to give me loop flexibility with Harry Barnett, allowing me to upgrade Billy Dowling to his teammate Ben Keays. Keaysa will cover Jordan Dawson this week who, yes, survives again. That will allow me to loop Keays and Simpkin at F7 and chase Ben’s ceiling if in the midfield. It’s too risky to bring him in and start him I reckon.
Good luck as always this week legends, may the luckiest man or woman win! As always be sure to check out the podcast for a more in depth, uncensored wrap up, and hopefully some good laughs along the way.

so many times i have seen the name shitfield with never again next to it and now he is an obvious captain choice.
Unbelievable turnaround
Dunkley and Neale should have been on the losers list. putrid scores
Damn straight they should have, didn’t scroll down far enough in that game!
I have 14 rookies still on field, should i trade Dunkley after that 61 to Michael fredrick?
Why don’t you grab his brutha Luamon Lual. Been crowned a debut this week after Ridley getting dropped. Should be good for an 80
why dont you stfu
wtf we have the same name
Is Ethan Hughes a good option if he returns?
It’s worth a shout but I’m inclined to trade in Nathan O’Driscoll on the back of triple tonnage in the last few weeks. Currently my D6
I hate afl fantasy
We hate you too. Move on to curling fantasy then grub
I hate stupid lachie shitfeild man so annopying
hey guys im 80k rank atm at the end i should end up at around 70k. i was thinking josh dunkley to matt rowell. and lachie neale🤬 down to ethan phillips
Call yourself lucky chief. I dropped Serong for lachie Weller chucked the VC on him and bought in Angus brayshaw for Errol gulden and chose his captain score instead
Are jy Simpkin and Ben keays cousins ?
yes devon
im thinking about duke dennis from ohiofc
Oh no the kiddies have taken over again. Didn’t school go back?
Oh no. Kiddies have taken over again. Didn’t school go back
Not sure it’s the kiddies Hans. More like the Special Needs Development Group.
Heeney had 84% cbas…