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The Thursday Scramble

The Thursday Scramble: Round 6

Last early bye round! Time to Scramble!!

We are at the end of the mini bye rounds! Oh thank god for that. But! Did it save you last week?  Imagine if you had to take McKercher’s 2 though!  These bye rounds have been hiding a few rubbish scores for us over recent weeks which has been nice and this is the last week we get that luxury. Then we are back to normal (before the next lot of byes).  But there is lots of work to do this week so Let’s Scramble!

Time to Cull the Herd?

Absolutely. We have seen a few things which now confirm we can start to cull some of the rookies. Unfortunately DT Talk’s own Colby McKercher is the top of the list. That injury along with his 2 and BE now up at 87 in AF means that his time in your team is sadly done. He is listed as being available but in my opinion he is a big risk to be a late out even if he is named tonight. He didn’t make us as much money as we would have liked to but hey, not much we can do about that now.

Ryley Sanders is another one that we can now happily move on if we want. Two vests is a huge concern (thanks Bevo) and the impact that has had is that his BE is up to 50 which is obviously achievable for him but the unknown that is a Bevo vesting is a huge concern. He is one that you can move on as well.

Nat Fyfe is another one that we have been toying with trading for a while and he has been just scoring past his BE for a while. This week his BE is up at 66 which is achievable but he is starting to reach his limit so you could use him to get to an uber premium. His growth in coming weeks isn’t likely to be huge like a basement rookie so you are better off trading him.

DPPs are just around the corner

As I mentioned last week the DPP’s are getting closer and we get them after this round. So last week you were ok to trade with this in mind and this becomes even more relevant this week. There are some that are pretty much locks and these are the ones that you can plan for. Just remember that just because someone is a DPP you don’t have to have them. Use them wisely and not every player you have has to be a DPP. My strategy is to have a good smattering of them across the lines. Also be careful as by using them in weeks going forward you can also swap players around so much that you actually destroy your link between lines by moving all your DPP’s into one line! Not what we want to do.

So my main point here is, just be smart about how you use the DPPs don’t overthink yourself and paint yourself into a corner.  Also don’t pick a guy just because he has DPP. Pick him because he is the right person to select.

What to do with Struggling Premiums?

No doubt there were plenty of us that were disappointed with the score we got from Bont and Tom Green last week. But realistically we all know that these guys are stars and we shouldn’t be trading them out. But is there a world where you can? of course there is, they all have the same trade button against their name. But just remember these guys are high priced stars for a reason. They have the history and the form to show us that they can score for a reason. So no, we shouldn’t be trading them out.

However, Matt Crouch is someone we need to talk about. Now, we know that he can score but, did you get him in to be a keeper? I don’t think you did. So he has risen in value by $111k in AF and has an average of 102 for the season. Coincidentally his BE is at 101 now and on top of that he has been suspended for a week. So really this is a bit of a no-brainer, he has done his job, he has made us cash and it is now time to upgrade him to an top premium. An interesting bit though from Lairdy at the DTTalk Adelaide show, he was telling us that Crouchy is the Number 1 banana!  But still, I am happy to move him on.

DTTalk Live

Just want to say it was great to meet a few legends at the DTTalk Live show in Adelaide last night. Roy, Warnie and Calvin were fantastic as usual and Lairdy was fantastic too. For those of you heading to the Perth show, have a great time and as always you won’t be disappointed.

Things to Remember

  • We can’t put the VC on Max this week!  Now we need to come up with another plan. Obviously we have Calvin to guide us! For me it will be a pair of Weazels.  Steele into Sheezel
  • This is the last week for our mini bye rounds so you need to make sure that you have your team ready to go back to best 22 next week, so that means get as many rookies off of the field as we can before we have to count their scores!
  • If you are worried about some of your Demon rookies, just remember they aren’t going to lose any money this week so you can safely hold them this week and then unload them next week if you want to.

No Max, no Daicos, no Worries!!  Last of the early bye rounds this week and the last time to ‘hide’ any issue players. On the plus side we get back to 9 games next week and I am sure that your draft teams will all be very thankful of that!

Have a great weekend of footy and I look forward to seeing you all again next Thursday.

A passionate Port Adelaide Fan who simply loves footy! That is how I would describe myself. Catch my weekly article "The Thursday Scramble" with all the last minute things to think about for the weekend Follow: @pkd73.

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9 months ago

Would we miss Graham to get someone like Garcia or Drury to actually upgrade this week? I could get up to around 850k if I do this… was looking at LDU.. risk I know, but cheap and has a run of good games coming….

9 months ago
Reply to  Billo

Double downgrade is an option this week, but don’t miss out on Graham. He’ll make a tonne of cash over the next few weeks…went up $75k last week alone

9 months ago

Got 106k in the bank, what trades should I look at doing this week?

Initial trades I was thinking of doing are:

Mckercher- Graham
Cambell- Drury
Which leaves me with 408k for next week to do some dpp action trades, what are your thoughts?

DEF: Sheezel, Whitfield, Young, Houston,Zilliams, Clohesy (Reid, Howes)
MID: Zerrett, Green, Rozee, N Martin, Bonner, McKercher, Sanders, Roberts (Mannagh, Clark)
RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Barnett)
FWD: Heeney, Flanders, Jackson, Powell, , Reid, Dempsey(Ramsden, Campbell)
UTIL: Cadman

9 months ago

I can move crouch on to pretty much anyone under a million. Do i go zorko, walsh, gulden or tom green? I have a feeling green will bounce back and nows probably the time to get him, however currently have walsh in with 122k spare, although he let me down last year when i brought him in..

9 months ago

Def: Sheez,Houston,Young,Yeo,Mass,Chlosey Reid,Howes

Mid: Bont,Butters,Steele,Martin,Crouch,Roberts,Sharp,Sander, Clark,Kerch,

Ruc: Marshall,Grundy Barnett

Fwd: Jackson,Powell,Flanders,Reid,Dempsey,Wilson Gallagher,Lazzaro

Util: Graham

First trade I’ve gone Windsor -> Powell but not sure with second trade. Was originally going McKercher -> Garcia and bank $358K for upgrades next week but thinking of moving J Clark on instead as his cash generation is non existent (which is the most important aspect of this game!) where as Mckercher could easily kick start his cash with a big score against a woeful hawks side. Trading Clark will leave me with $208K which I can use to upgrade Mass nest week after I switch Martin to Def.

What do you think?

Bubble O'Bill
Bubble O'Bill
9 months ago

Who would be the bigger priority for this week –
Flanders or Walsh?

9 months ago
Reply to  Bubble O'Bill

Fwd line is a mess…Flanders clear #1 Fwd this year – must have

9 months ago
Reply to  Bubble O'Bill

Flanders simply because of the lack of quality options up forward

Gulden Nuggets
Gulden Nuggets
9 months ago

What do we think about Jye Caldwell as a pod in the forward line? Is he now the second inside mid behind Merrett?

9 months ago

Who to field Clohesy or Graham?

Hans the German
Hans the German
9 months ago

Who goes, Fyfe or Hogan?

9 months ago

Would say Fyfe, but against WC this week, so I’d give him another crack. Saying that though, could be a blowout and he gets subbed by JLo

Help Me
Help Me
9 months ago

Bevo being Bevo putting Sanders as sub

9 months ago
Reply to  Help Me

Honestly what a fuckwit lol. #sacked

9 months ago
Reply to  Bevod

Im trading sanders instead of massimo. I guess we can’t see mckercher availability

Last edited 9 months ago by colesy
9 months ago
Reply to  Colesy

Will be classic when he’s the starting sub too. Gonna be a looooong weekend.

9 months ago
Reply to  Help Me

Guy really is a dickhead.

All Doggies are on my never again list while he’s coach.

Just can’t be trusted.

9 months ago

Assuming Sanders is sub or something?

Has got to go, surely?

Now have to keep 2 of Salem/Short/McKercher until next week, and that’s while still holding Crouch 😂.

So much for cashing in Windsor and Campbell 😂 looks like they’re here for another 3 weeks at least.

Hahaha, FMDT

9 months ago

Mckercher to graham and Sanders to Walsh (holding crouch)
Crouch to Steele?

9 months ago
Reply to  nuffie

First option?

Bringing in Steele is great, just not sure chopping Crouch is the best way to get there.

9 months ago

He, would you rather trade McKercher and Jackson to Marshall and Graham or do McKercher and Sanders down to Graham and Garcia? Great read this week keep up the good work

9 months ago
Reply to  Koden

Nothing wrong with a double downgrade this week. Both those kids will go up more than Jacko drops I’d imagine (without checking his BE), and gives you a chance to check out his scoring with Darcy.

And ofc it’s best 18, so if Jacko has a stinker you should be ok.

But then again, bringing in Marshall is always a nice trade.

9 months ago

Suggestions and tips welcomed

L.Whitfield A.Mcgrath T.Stewart M.D’Ambrosio Z.Williams W.Graham
subs A.Schoenmaker B.Uwald

J.Steele E.Gulden D.Zorko S.Flanders E.Yeo J.Horne Francis J.Aish C.Lazzaro
subs C.Hall C.Simpson

I.Heeney B.Drury J.Hogan N.Fyfe H.Reid N.Larkey
subs C.Warner J. Ugle Hagen

B.Grundy I.Soldo
subs H.Barnett

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